Motorcycle Explorer December 2014 Issue 3 | Page 13

I reflected then that I did not know anything about this guy at all. I had placed my self in his hands without any guarantee that it was true what they said of him. Iraq is a country objectively dangerous, no matter what Kurds say since Kurds, after all, are stakeholders in selling a security image. I felt that I did not controlled the situation, that I did not know where I was being guided into W e turned a corner and left all city light. The alley was dark and deserted. I stopped the bike in front of a garage as he instructed. Jan got out of the bike and knocked lightly on the door. Then I thought that as I enter the bike in that garage, it will actually be like if I had been swallowed by earth. old girl with huge green eyes and a long queue. S he looked calm even thought she was probably as surprised as me. Then she smiled and asked me "How are you?". "I am very happy to be here" I replied, telling ow can I be sure of her the exact truth. Once I anything in a country where saw those eyes so pure and everything is unknown? innocent in her young face I What benchmarks did I have? felt I had come home, and Who did I know over there? nothing bad could wait for Who in the world knew me in the place where she where I was? The metal door came from. opened slowly. My pulse quickened. From inside came out an electric light. And a girl. A seven or eight years H