Motorcycle Explorer December 2014 Issue 3 | Page 45

B rakes aside, I liked the Marauder. I wanted to ride it again, but I didn’t want anyone else to know I wanted to ride it again, so I determined to lure it and its owner far away from the mocking laughter of our friends and then enjoy it in virtual solitude. I just had to avoid being photographed on it. "We’d made a conscious decision to try and clear the motorway section of the journey quickly, but we’d greatly overestimated our stamina. " So, the previous day, under glorious sunshine, we’d ridden from Nantes on the west coast of France towards Bordeaux, which we’d made our way around with great difficulty before finding a campsite in the Landes de Gascogne national park. It’d been a long ride, made worse by the previous day’s blast down from Calais. Over the last 48 hours we’d covered the best part of 1,000km, most of it dull motorway slog. We’d made a conscious decision to try and clear the motorway section of the journey quickly, but we’d greatly overestimated our stamina. By the time we passed Bordeaux we were both exhausted, irritable to the point of homicide and desperately in need of a break; it was only the glorious sight of the Pyrenees, distant but finally within reach, that spurred us on. At last we were clear of the urban sprawl, the bloated cities and the congested autoroutes, heaving with stop/start traffic clotting impatiently amid those saturated arterial pathways.