Winter 2014
—> What was pre university
education like?
communication. I really enjoy joining in extracurricular activities.
Pre university education was great! During
the first three years of secondary school, I
—> About blogging
attended a special programme called VWO+.
Something I feel really passionate about is
This programme was for students who
writing. At the age of 12, I started my own
wanted more of a challenge. I had to study
blog. During the following two years I
two extra subjects: philosophy and Spanish,
explored all of the possibilities of the internet.
which I enjoyed so much that I
With the new information I had
am still taking these courses
learned, I decided to start with a
today. I also attended an ‘‘ I have learned new blog in April 2011. I then
international competition called
a lot about started blogging in English, under
’First Lego League’ which was
the name of Dutch Beauty. I am
a very educative experience. At myself through still maintaining this blog to this
the First Lego League I learned
blogging. ’’ day
how to address big problems
like ’how to prevent a flood’ and
—> What is your blog about?
the basics of programming. During the last
Dutch Beauty is usually labeled as a ‘beauty,
three years of secondary school, I have
fashion and lifestyle blog.’ Which also used
attended the regular VWO programme. My
to be the name of my previous blog.
study profile ‘Economics and society’
However, it covers many more subjects. At
consists of the Dutch, English and Spanish
my blog you can expect so called ‘OOTD’s’
languages, management & organisation,
and DIY’s which are articles where I show
economics, mathematics A, history and
my outfit (‘outfit of the day’) and articles
philosophy. In addition to this, I have always
where I show how you can make certain
been very active at school in relation to
items yourself (‘do it yourself’). Other articles
extra-curricular activities. In my first year at
you might find at my blog are inspiration
secondary school I joined the MR and this
articles, travel reports, columns and reviews.
year I have joined the debating team. By
doing these activities I learned the
importance of teamwork, body language and