Motivation-Enhancing Educational Apps | Page 20

Having the students come to this virtual board to write their ideas also allows for sharing ideas without voicing them aloud and deals with stage fright. This works as a pre-assessment for students and can determine where a lesson goes. It can be used for collaboration on group projects. Since Padlet can be shared with anyone via email, you can virtually invite anyone to share on your Padlet wall. Anyone on the wall can add posts, pictures, videos, links and more at the double tap of the message board. These posts are added instantly so anyone can see them.

What are the advantages?

Easy and Intuitive - you won't find an simpler way to publish original content on the internet, period.

Inclusive - we welcome people of all ages, skill levels, and abilities to use Padlet.

Collaborative - Invite others to work with you on shared projects, assignments, and activities.

Flexible - Add any file type you wish, organize however you want, and make it as public or as private as your heart desires.

Portable - iOS, Android, and Kindle apps available

Beautiful - Hit the design sweet spot with just enough options that you can add your personal touch, but won't be overwhelmed by customization menus.

Private and secure - Make your padlets viewable only to a select group of people. We transfer data via SSL, go through regular security and vulnerability testing, and encrypt all pages.


With collaboration, it can be used merely as a means of brainstorming topics or detail of a given project or it can be the final presentation as well. It can even be used as a simple reminder board for homework due dates, upcoming tests, or even the daily schedule.