Dear Younger Me,
Don't waste time, it is so precious and even though you think
otherwise, you don't have that much of it - so use it wisely. Some
people have lived more in 20 years than others do in 90, so make
the most of every moment. Your choices today matter, they will
shape your life in ways you can't begin to imagine, and each
choice has the power to set you back or catapult you forward - so
choose wisely. You have a lifetime of memories to make and the
benet of youth on your side; nd that delicate balance between
preparing for the future and living in the present.
Be careful with the company you keep, because the people you
surround yourself with dene you. Make sure that the people you
choose to be in your circle lift you up and drive you to be better.
Don't settle for anything less, you are worth it.
Neekita Chamane