Motion Magazine 1

Dancing 101 everyone can do it! Dancing is easy, every one can do it! Find your soul and your body will follow. DANCING ADVICES TO TAKE OUT THE BEST BALLERINA IN YOU! 1. Mind over matter / mind your steps! It doesn’t matter the way you look when doing them, or if it’s funny or clumsly. Usually when you feel it, you dance it better. 2. Focus on your posture OUTSIDE THE STUDIO! / make standing straight and firm a habit. When it becomes a habit, you will have the vbest posture naturally, and it’s one thing to check out of your worrying list. 3. Try EVERYTHING! Don’t focus only on one type of dance. There are so many varieties people often forget about, and that might be the best ever! 4. Feel what you-’re dancing. Whenever you feel it, you dance it better. Be in a healthy environment with your peers! Don’t let the rest get the best of you. Focus on yourself and improve. You’re only trying to be better than yourself, not the rest.