Mother's Love Issue 2 Feb 2015 | Page 19

Does He Still Find Me Attractive …. Now That I’m a MOM!!?? First ask yourself this question… Do you find yourself attractive now that you’re a mom? You have to be able to look into the mirror and confidently like what YOU see. As wives, we definitely seek to be attractive to our spouse. There’s usually that thought running through our minds as woman, knowing our bodies have changed , about rather or not our husbands are “o.k” with that change. What does he really think about this new body you’ve been forced into? Honestly, if your husband is in love with you (and he must be to have married you and had children with you) then no matter what happens to your body over time, he will continue to love you. And as the two of you grow in love and maturity during the course of your marriage, small things such as “body imperfections” won’t really matter much at all. Some women might be saying “I know he loves me, but am I attractive?” My answer to that would be, because he loves you you’ll always be attractive to Him! Chances are that at some point, if not already, he’ll put on a few extra pounds as well and I’m sure you’ll love him the same. If not, then that would be an entirely different article altogether. I would question the purity of your love. I’ve found with my own husband, the changes my body has experienced having children , has made me MORE attractive to him. I think it’s possibly because he was there throughout the whole process, and there watching me give birth to our children. That somehow changed or heightened his whole perception of me. It’s a love thing, it grows and changes as we do. Sometimes we look in the mirror at ourselves and we see a completely different image than what our husbands may see. While we may see a “fat” behind, he just may see a little something more to hold on to in the heat of passion. Or as it has been said “more cushion for the pushing” LOL! It’s all in how you look at it and how you carry it. I will say this, most men LOVE confidence. Even if you’re not considered the most attractive thang walking, walk it with some confidence and he will be drawn to it. Now, I didn't say be stank, I said be confident. Be a lady. Real men like that, and you’re already ahead of the game because he married you! Love yourself no matter what shape you’re in and he’s going to love you too. If for whatever reason you decide you’re not happy with any part of your body, don’t tear yourself down. You can change it! Will it take some time and some effort, well of course! But if you will it, you can do it! Be encouraged dear mom. Written By: Adale Mitchell