God ’ s Word for Mum
Page-protecting zippered editions to carry anywhere
A NIV Thinline Bible Compact Zippered Premium Imitation Leather NI CP Brown / White | 637970 $ 54.99 __________________________________________________ Explore God ’ s Word anywhere and at any time with this distinctive double-column Bible from Zondervan . 7-pt Comfort Print ®, 18.9 x 12.7 x 2.4cm .
B NIV Larger Print Bible With Zipper
FlexiBack NI LP
Denim Blue Soft-Tone | 639406 $ 79.99 ____________________________________________________ This larger print edition uses British spelling , punctuation and grammar . It includes shortcuts to key passages , a timeline , and a reading guide . 11-pt type , 25.6 x 16.5 x 2.9cm .
NIV Pocket Bible With Zipper
FlexiBack NI CP
C Lilac Soft-Tone | 626901 $ 44.99
D Mint Soft-Tone | 626900 $ 44.99 ____________________________________________________
This compact edition uses British spelling , punctuation and grammar . It includes shortcuts to key stories , events , and people of the Bible , a reading plan , and a book-by-book overview . 6.75-pt type , 15 x 10cm .
NKJV Compact Paragraph-Style Reference Bible With Zipper Premium Imitation Leather NKJ CP
E Black | 623567 $ 79.99
F Purple | 623564 $ 79.99 ____________________________________________________ With 73,000 + cross-references that trace the connections in Scripture , this Bible includes a concordance , full-colour maps , and clear readable Comfort Print ®. 7.5-pt type , 19 x 12.8 x 3.3cm .
NLT Filament Enabled Bibles The Filament Bible gives you access to more content without carrying more . Simply download the Filament Bible app and scan a page number to instantly open study notes , devotionals , interactive maps , articles , teaching videos , and worship music .
Compact Zipper Edition 16.7 x 10.9 x 2.3cm . Imitation Leather NLT CP
G Charcoal Patch | 591479 $ 34.99
H Floral Garden Fabric Texture | 591478 $ 34.99
Giant Print Edition 20 x 13.7 x 3.8cm . Imitation Leather NLT LP
I Magnolia Sage Green | 644631 $ 57.99
J Woven Cross Grey | 644629 $ 57.99