Mothering Sunday Poems: An Anthology 1 | Page 4

For All You ’ ve Done Joelle Esquejo
Up in the morning With an alarm and a shower . Wake up the daughter at the start of the hour . Whip up something promptly For the family to eat . Steps on the staircase As your first child you meet .
Breakfast is served And the daughter ’ s hair tied . The son ’ s woken up - is it cold outside ? Bags are prepared . Her phone ’ s in her pocket . Unlock the door ; when she leaves , re-lock it .
Television on With the daily newsround Husband is heard walking in the background . Son playing games In the living room . Waiting for the time when he ’ s brought to school .
A minute in the car , Before dropped off at the office . Laptop in the bag - you almost forgot it ! Breathe out a sigh , For the morning is done . Now for the work that needs to be gone .
Seven , eight , Or nine hours after . Shopping for food , or drinks , or other .