MOTHER NATURE June 2017 | Page 32


2017 what is new ?

World Health Organization ( WHO ) has appointed Amitabh Bachchan as its Goodwill Ambassador for Hepatitis in South-East Asia Region . He has been appointed to boost awareness to stop the spread of hepatitis , which is one of the leading causes of liver cancer and cirrhosis . As an ambassador , Amitabh Bachchan will participate in public awareness programmes to scale up prevention measures , early diagnosis and treatment . It is estimated that around 325 million across the world suffer from chronic hepatitis which is an inflammation of the liver resulting in liver scarring , liver cancer and death if untreated . Hepatitis viruses is one of the common cause of liver damage but other infections , toxic substances such as alcohol , certain medicine , food contaminants , bad lifestyle and autoimmune diseases may also result in chronic hepatitis . Of the five hepatitis viruses , namely , types A , B , C , D and E , types B and C are the most deadly . These two types are mostly responsible for liver damage . Hepatitis viruses B , C and D spread by contact with contaminated blood or body fluids . Hepatitis A and E spreads through unsafe food and drink . Symptoms of Hepatitis include yellowing of the skin and eyes , abdominal pain and swelling , yellow urine , pale or dark stools , chronic fatigue , nausea and loss of appetite . Hepatitis B vaccination are administered at 0 , 1 , 2 , and 6 months to children to protect them against the disease as well as to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the disease .


China has set up a 160-square-meter ( 1,720-square-foot ) two men and two women will be sealed inside the cabin for laboratory — dubbed as “ Yuegong-1 ”, or “ Lunar Palace ” an initial stay of 60 days who will then be replaced by another group of four , who will stay for 200 days . Though , for simulating a lunar-like environment . Four Postgraduate students from the Beijing ’ s astronautics research university will live in the laboratory for up to 200 days in a bid moon for at least another decade , this project is expected
China does not have any plans to land its astronauts on
to prepare for China ’ s long term goal of putting humans to help it prepare lunar explorers for longer stays on the on the moon . The student volunteers would be sealed surface of the moon . inside the cabin with no input from the outside world in China views the programme as a mark of its raising global order to simulate long-term , self-contained space mission . The cabin will have facilities for treatment of human Europe . Recently , China ’ s first cargo spacecraft , Tianzhou-
stature and as a step to catch up with the United States and
wastes through bio-fermentation process . The experimental crops would also be grown in the labratory with the so far China has been largely replicating the activities car-
1 , successfully docked with an orbiting space lab . However ,
help of food and waste by products . The cabin according ried out by the U . S . and Soviet Union decades ago . It was to Chinese agencies represents the “ world ’ s most advanced closed-loop life-support technology so far .” The lishing a permanently manned space station by 2022 . China
hailed as a major step towards China ’ s ambition of estab-
Lunar Palace is hailed as the world ’ s third bioregenerative has an ambitious plan of building a permanent space station by 2022 , that will be in the orbit for at least 10 years . In life-support base and the first to be developed in China . The Lunar Palace is the first of its kind facility to involve May 2014 , China conducted a 105-day experiment by placing a team comprising of two women and one man from animals and microorganisms as well as plants and humans . It has two plant cultivation modules and a living Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics ( BUAA ) cabin consisting of four bed cubicles , a common room , a in ‘ Moon Palace 1 ’, a 160-square-meter self-contained laboratory with an intention to prepare for placing astronauts in bathroom , a waste-treatment room and a room for raising animals . Initially , a group of four students comprising outer space for extended periods of time .