Plant taxonomy classifies the most popular type
of bleeding hearts as Dicentra spectabilis. Ex-
amples are mentioned below of some other types
for purposes of comparison and contrast. You
may also occasionally see the plants listed under
the newer genus name, Lamprocapnos. They are
in the poppy family and native to the Far East.
The common names used to refer to Dicentra
spectabilis are "common" or "old-fashioned"
bleeding heart. Botanically speaking, bleeding
hearts are herbaceous perennials.
Characteristics, Best Feature
Bleeding hearts usually reach 2-3 feet in height
with a similar spread. Plants bloom in April or May.
The flowers hang down neatly in a row from arch-
ing stems. The plants' flowers are most typically
pink or white. 'Alba' is the white cultivar. But the
red-flowered Valentine® may offer the most ap-
propriate color (considering the name, "bleeding
hearts"). If you want yellow flowers, you have to
go to a different species: Dicentra scandens (a
vine form).
Their outstanding characteristic is no doubt the
shape of the flowers, a shape that makes bleed-
ing heart one of the most fun plants to grow in
dimension to growing these plants.
Meaning of Bleeding Heart Flowers
Flowers have traditionally been assigned various meanings,
based both on the type of flower and the specific color. The
meanings of roses are probably the best known to the gen-
eral public. But other plants carry meanings, too, including
bleeding hearts; here is how it breaks down, by color:
your yard. As the plants' common name suggests, Pink-flowered types: romantic love.
bleeding hearts bear heart-shaped flowers, from
which a little "drop of blood" dangles at the bot- Red-flowered types: also romantic love.
tom. On the type with pink flowers, the drop is
White-flowered types: purity.
prettiest, some feel, before the bloom fully opens, Types of Bleeding Hearts Native to North America.Grow
since, during this early period, the sides of the bleeding hearts in partial shade to full shade, in a well-
otherwise white drop are streaked with pink; af- drained, slightly acidic soil that has plenty of humus. Keep
ter the bloom fully opens, the drops are white all
over. the ground consistently moist during the growing season.
They are truly among the most whimsical plants
you can grow in the landscape.
Since the flowers are delicate (and you will want to enjoy
the sense of whimsy they bring to the garden for as long as
possible), select a site for them that is sheltered from high
There is a cultivar with golden leaves (and pink
flowers) named Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart.'
As "spectacular" as the regular Dicentra
spectabilis is, the golden type adds another whole
Bleeding Heart Is Poisonous!
Divide these plants in the springtime. Being animal-resis-
tant perennials, at least you do not have to be concerned