MOTH by Declan Greene Moth Education Pack FINAL | Page 18

SO WHY IS THIS STORY BEING TOLD? You may have noticed in this pack that we have posed many questions for you to consider about the world of the play and the lessons that could be taken from it. We are of the opinion that theatre (and the arts in general) helps you to grow/learn, gives you insights to different perspectives, and opens up a platform from which to discuss both personal and global issues. In fact, recent research from Australia Council agrees! is being recognised by the Australian population: The positive impacts the arts have 67% believe the arts help our ability to think creatively and develop new ideas 69% believe the arts help 64% believe the arts help our stimulate our minds understanding of other people and cultures 73% believe the arts are an important way to get different perspectives on a topic or issue 60% believe the arts help our sense of well-being and happiness 69% believe the arts help our ability to express ourselves We discuss the impacts of seeing theatre and the story of Moth with our Director, Rachel Chant: “One of the strengths that I find in the theatre is its ability to tell people that they are not alone; that their experiences are shared. What Declan (the playwright) has given us here is two characters that we so rarely see on our stages - the outcasts, the 'losers', two kids at the bottom on the social ladder. In putting these kids on stage, we're telling every kid out there who has copped it, who is battling with the schoolyard hierarchy, that we see you. We hear you. You are not alone. In the rehearsal room, the number of stories of primary and high school bullying the creatives have confessed to has been alarming; alarming particularly alongside the studies we've read about the long-lasting effects of bullying on mental health. Theatre builds empathy. If we can build empathy amongst young people for characters in their own worlds whom they might consider the bottom of the heap, then we can hope that this has an impact on the culture of bullying so implicit within the schoolyard.” 18