MOST Magazine Fashion Oct'14 ISSUE NO.2 | Page 115

FMM: When do you think you realised that what you were doing in your daily drill would become your profession for life? VT: I realised what i wanted my profession to be really quite early in life. I went to a fulltime ballet school at 12 years of age and was accepted into The Australian Ballet school at 15. It was around then that i realised that this is what i wanted to do in my life, however it wasn’t until i was accepted into The Australian Ballet that it actually became my life. FMM: How often do you dance in a day/ week? VT: I dance roughly 40 hours per week. Thats 6 working days and only Sundays off. FMM: Tell us about your most recent projects? VT: Well as i write this i am currently in Los Angeles on a US West Coast tour with the Australian Ballet of Graeme Murphy’s Swan Lake. Once we get back home to Melbourne we have a one week turn around before we are in Sydney opening La Bayadere. FMM: What do people not know about the world of Ballet? VT: How all consuming it is. How insanely difficult it is, both physically and mentally. How good it makes you feel when watching it live. FMM: How long did it take you to become a professional Ballerina. VT: I started Ballet at 7, became semi-serious about it at 12, became really serious about it at 15, graduated at 18, got into the Australian Ballet at 18 and now I’m 24 and still doing class everyday and still striving to get better everyday. It doesn’t end. FMM: What companies have you been with? VT: I have only ever been with the Australian Ballet although earlier this year i spent two months on a dancer exchange in Amsterdam with Het Nationale Ballet. FMM: How have you injured yourself dancing through the years? VT: I have been really, really fortunate and never had any super serious injuries. I had a pretty bad Ankle sprain in my first year in the Australian Ballet which had me off stage for about 3 months, rehab-ing. For a dancer to have small ‘niggles’ is fairly normal considering how much physical activity we do. Achilles Impingements, tight hip-flexors and shoulder impingements are my common niggles that pop up. FMM: Do you have any secrets for dancing? VT: No, just feel it and love it. FMM: What is the hardest thing about Ballet? VT: Do you have half an hour? Its like asking “ What is the hardest thing about life?”, where to begin? FMM: What are your favourite steps to move/ perform? VT: I don’t mind, as long as those steps are joined to make beautiful movement. FMM: What is your favourite classical Ballet? VT: Giselle. I first watched this ballet when i was 8 or 9 and it made me cry, it still does. FMM: What is your breakfast of choice? VT: Wholegrain toast with vegemite, Avocado (lots of avocado!), cracked pepper, sea salt and a squeeze of lemon. Thats my breakkie 6 out of 7 mornings. Plus Coffee!!!!!! FMM: What is your pre performance ritual? VT: I don’t really have a ritual. I just do my hair and make up, do a warm-up barre and probably go over some steps. If I’m particularly nervous ill have a rescue Remedy drop. >>> www.MOST || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 115