‘Heartbeat of the
whole diocese’
Michael Stechschulte
s he preached on September 27, 2019 before a full chapel
of seminarians, faculty, alumni and friends of Sacred Heart
Major Seminary, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron paused and
fixed his attention on a pew to the west side of the nave.
It was there, he remembered, that he
had almost given up on his priestly voca-
tion so many years ago.
It was 1964, and the future archbishop
was a sophomore at the seminary high
school, back after Thanksgiving vacation.
“I sat in the pew next to the pillar, be-
cause you can’t get through there, so I
wouldn’t be bothered,” the archbishop
said. “Even after a year, I felt homesick.
I sat there, and I had to think about
whether I wanted to continue to be here.”
Four years later as a college seminarian,
he found himself another time in the choir
loft, praying and asking God to reveal His
will. Both times, the archbishop said, it
was the Lord who offered the graces he
needed to stay the course.
“I had to die to myself,” Archbishop
Vigneron said. “And I give God praise and
thanks for that grace.”
Leading the seminary community in a
Mass of thanksgiving for Sacred Heart’s
100th anniversary, the archbishop reflect-
ed upon the countless quiet graces offered
to seminarians, priests, faculty and lay
students over the seminary’s rich history.
Eleven bishops and more than three
dozen priests concelebrated the Mass,
which was attended by more than 400
alumni, current and former faculty and
trustees, students, benefactors and family
members. In addition to Cardinal Adam
J. Maida, concelebrants included bishops
who graduated from or served at Sacred
Heart, including Saginaw’s Bishop Rob-
ert Gruss, Lansing’s Bishop Earl Boyea
and Steubenville, Ohio’s Bishop Jeffrey
The Mass, which was followed by a din-
ner in the seminary’s gymnasium, kicked
off a yearlong centennial celebration for
Sacred Heart, which also included a fall
theological symposium and a festival of
choirs Christmas concert.
The next edition of the Mosaic will be a 100th anniversary commemorative issue. This edition will feature articles from the last 100 years — and SHMS
invites you to be a part of telling this story. Do you have a favorite memory, anecdote, or photograph from your days at the seminary? We welcome
you to submit all articles to [email protected] for possible consideration. Originals will not be returned. Items are due by April 1, 2020.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Winter 2020