MOSAIC Winter 2020 | Page 44

SACRED HEART NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE M AJOR SEMINARY PAID 2701 Chicago Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48206 DETROIT, MI PERMIT #2977 MARK YOUR CALENDAR FEBRUARY 14 Dinner for Life 24-28 Mid-Term Exams 26 Ash Wednesday MARCH 1-31 Spring/Summer term early registration 2-6 Spring Break 9-12 Institute for Lay Ministry Welcome Socials, 5:30 p.m. 12 LEM Speaker Series, 12 p.m. 13 Institute for Lay Ministry Welcome Social, 8:30 a.m. 19-22 Discernment Weekend 27-28 Sacred Heart Major Seminary Play, Stalag 17, 7 p.m. APRIL 1-30 Spring/Summer term regular registration 5 Palm Sunday 9-13 Easter Recess 12 Easter Sunday 17-18 Discernment overnight 18 Archdiocese of Detroit Transitional Diaconate Ordination, 10 a.m. 24 End of Winter Term 25 Baccalaureate Mass & Commencement, 11 a.m. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT SACRED HEART? Keep up at MAY 1-15 1 1-6 4 4-5  ummer term regular registration S Summer STL Application Deadline Spring term late registration Spring term classes begin Institute for Lay Ministry Welcome Socials, 5:30 p.m. 15 Summer STL Admissions Deadline 16- JUNE 10 Summer term late registration 25 Memorial Day, no classes/ offices closed JUNE 19 26 End of Spring Term Archbishop’s Gala @shmsdetroit