MOSAIC Summer 2019 | Page 5

what they learned. Students were invited to share insights with their classmates in the online discussion and relevant scrip- ture passages were provided each week with instructions on how to reflect on them in Lectio Divina-style prayer. Each week links to online readings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other helpful sources were available as well as lists of recommended resources for further study. Sacred Heart’s primary goal was to sup- port Unleash the Gospel by providing a rich but easy educational and formational experience for Catholics in the archdio- cese and beyond. In addition, the semi- nary hoped to share news of Sacred Heart activities and raise awareness of the semi- nary as a resource for all Catholics in the archdiocese. A survey of students at the end of the course found that almost 14 percent had not heard of Sacred Heart Major Semi- nary before. This non-credit course also appears to have stoked a fire in many of the participants with many “Beauty of Belief” students continuing in other aca- demic courses at the seminary. “Beauty of Belief” is just the beginning. In July, Sacred Heart offered a three- week introduction to the Mission of the Laity. The instructors, Dr. Gerlach and Dr. Gresham, both bring experience in educating and forming laity as missionary disciples. Each week was dedicated to one of the three traditional roles: priestly, pro- phetic, and royal; as well as the ways the laity are called to live these roles – both in the Church and the world. Upcoming courses include one during the Advent season taught by Dr. Dan- iel Keating based on his new book “The Adventure of Discipleship.” This course invites students to respond to the adven- turous call of discipleship in the gospels as illuminated by great adventure stories like J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, C. S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, as well as popu- lar movie and comic book heroes. STUDENT COMMENTS SHOWED APPRECIATION FOR THE CONTENT AND THE CONVENIENCE OF THE ONLINE FORMAT: This was my first course and I completely enjoyed it. It was just what I was looking for leading up to Easter. As a busy working mom I LOVED that I could do this online at my convenience. This six-week course was amazing. I so appreciated hav- ing this opportunity to participate in adult faith edu- cation and from your beautiful seminary. Every week was an engaging, fulfilling, educational, uplifting ses- sion that I enjoyed and looked forward to…Thank you, thank you, thank you. It has been such an honor and joy to be a part of this class. It was a wonderful experience. There are so many excellent resources... The quizzes were fun! Thank you very much to the Sacred Heart Major Sem- inary faculty and staff for this online program and sharing their expertise and spirit-filled presentations. I’ve taken advantage of other online resources, but I missed the discussion portion. So in general, this course has allowed me to continue learning about the Faith and grow spiritually by participating actively (as opposed to passive learning). W H O W E S E RV E D : 2,957 Active Participants 46 States 38 Countries These and other upcoming courses can be found by visiting 3