MOSAIC Summer 2019 | Page 2

SACRED HEART MAJOR SEMINARY Chairman, Board of Trustees The Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron Archbishop of Detroit FROM THE RECTOR A t the beginning of this past school year, I spoke to the Sacred Heart faculty and staff and called forth a specific virtue that has importance to the seminary community as we renewed ourselves in the mission entrusted to us – that virtue is hospitality. It is within Matthew 25 that Jesus speaks in a powerful way about the works of mercy: “…when the Son of Man comes in his glory, to serve, or those we encounter casu- and all the angels with him, he will sit upon ally are no longer guests or strangers, but his glorious throne, and all the nations will be those in whom Christ abides. Therefore, assembled before him. And he will separate hospitality is truly seeing and hearing the them one from another, as a shepherd sepa- voice of Christ in and through the other. rates the sheep from the goats. He will place It’s about providing the space to truly wel- the sheep on his right and the goats on his left… come Christ and listen to Christ in the to those on his right, ‘Come, you are blessed other person within our hearts. by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared Thank you for being a member of the for you from the foundation of the world. For Sacred Heart family. As the seminary en- I was hungry and you gave me food, I was ters upon its centennial year, I am humbly thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and reminded of all the individuals who upon you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, listening to the Holy Spirit committed ill and you cared for me, in prison and you themselves to supporting the mission of visited me’…‘I say to you, whatever you did for the formation of holy and healthy priests, one of these least brothers deacons, and lay leaders. of mine, you did for me.’ From those first days in “From those first days 1919, the Holy Spirit in 1919, the Holy Spirit It is a call to work was filling the hearts of was filling the hearts of tirelessly for the good of our students. Today, 100 our students. Today, 100 others, a call to embrace years later, the Holy Spirit years later, the Holy Spir- and grow as we await the continues to fill the hearts it continues to fill the Lord’s coming. hearts of the men and of the men and women This issue of Mosaic, studying within our walls.” women studying within Hospitality, is inspired our walls. Thank you, by the missionary zeal exhibited through and be assured of the prayers of the Sacred countless signs of hospitality by our semi- Heart community for you and all the faith- narians, lay students, faculty, staff, alum- ful friends and benefactors of the seminary. ni, and the larger Sacred Heart family. By living the virtue of hospitality, we are Sincerely In Christ, called to be more than just a good host. The virtue of hospitality calls us to see Christ within the other. As we live the virtue of hospitality, Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness those with whom we work, those we seek Rector/President Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Summer 2019 Rector/President Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness Vice Rector/Dean of Seminarian Formation Rev. Stephen Burr Dean of Studies Rev. Timothy Laboe Dean, Institute for Lay Ministry Dr. Matthew Gerlach Director of Finance, Treasurer Ann Marie Connolly Director of Facilities Management John Duncan Director of Institutional Advancement David Zanitsch MOSAIC Executive Editor Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness Managing Editor Jamie Gualdoni David Zanitsch Contributing Writers Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway Dcn. Colin Fricke Jamie Gualdoni Dr. Mary Healy Dr. Michael McCallion Mary Kay McPartlin Daniel Meloy Dcn. David Pelican Catherine Peters Fr. Stephen Pullis Katherine Tibai Mosaic is published two times per year by Sacred Heart Major Seminary 2701 Chicago Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48206 313-883-8500 [email protected] Read the online Mosaic or sign up for the monthly Mosaic e-newsletter © 2019, Sacred Heart Major Seminary Designed by FAITH Catholic