Seminarians Reflect on Trip to March for Life in Washington , D . C .
Karla Dorweiler
On Jan . 20 , 14 seminarians from Sacred Heart Major Seminary loaded into 4 cars bound for Washington D . C . For some , the trip would be their first time attending the March for Life . For others , it would be a return to the annual march marking the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v . Wade Supreme Court decision and rallying to protect the unborn .
The group continued Sacred Heart ’ s tradition in which third-year theology students experience the March for Life as a class . Andrés Galeano , a seminarian with the Archdiocese of Hartford , Connecticut , organized the trip as his “ house job ” at the seminary . Galeano spent the months leading up to their departure budgeting for fuel , tolls , and food , and making arrangements with the two parishes where the men would stay , Holy Comforter-St . Cyprian Parish and St . Anthony of Padua Parish , both in Washington , D . C .
“ I was grateful for the opportunity to attend the March for Life as a class and to organize this . I had been to the march several times before and was able to bring that knowledge to the planning ,” said Galeano . “ Most of all , I was excited for my brother seminarians who hadn ’ t been ( to the march ) to have that experience of the whole Church , from every corner of the country , coming together along with other denominations and even non-believers .”
30 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Spring / Summer 2022