“ The last 20 years of working in a few different parishes has only furthered my perspective and my resolve that the seminary is an incredible gift ,” said Lajiness . “ We have so many opportunities for anyone to connect with us . There ’ s a spot for everyone and so many ways to access our programs .”
Lajiness believes the faculty at Sacred Heart is a key to its excellent reputation , noting that many , including Dr . Ralph Martin , Dr . Mary Healy , and other faculty members , have been at the forefront of promoting the New Evangelization and the missionary transformation in the Church as envisioned by St . John Paul II , Pope Benedict XVI , and Pope Francis , as well as by Archbishop Allen Vigneron in his 2017 pastoral letter , Unleash the Gospel .
As Lajiness settles in at Sacred Heart , he feels right at home . At the same time , he hopes God will push him beyond his comfort zone and guide him to be a “ spiritual multiplier ”; that is , Lajiness prays he will help form disciples who will deepen their faith at Sacred Heart and then bring others to the Lord .
“ I truly believe Sacred Heart is a unique place and the Lord is doing unique things here ,” he said .
If you feel called to lay ecclesial ministry ( such as pastoral associate , director of religious education , youth ministry , campus ministry , theology teacher , etc .), give the Office of Admissions a call at ( 313 ) 883-8696 to schedule your admissions interview or visit shms . edu / admissions for more information .
Photo by Valaurian Waller shms . edu 25