MOSAIC Spring/Summer 2022 | Page 12


The Work of Vocations in the Church

The vocation is truly a treasure that God places in the hearts of some men , chosen by Him and called to follow Him in this special state of life . This treasure , that must be discovered and brought to light , is not made to ‘ enrich ’ someone alone . He who is called to the ministry is not the ‘ master ’ of his vocation , but rather the administrator of a gift that God has entrusted to him for the good of all the people , or rather for all humanity , even those who have drifted away from religious practice or do not profess faith in Christ .
— Pope Francis , Audience with Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Clergy , Oct . 3 , 2014
God entrusts the treasure of the priesthood to the men he calls to serve him , his Church , his sons , and his daughters . Nurturing and supporting this vocation is the privilege and responsibility of all Catholics , laity and religious alike . In particular , archdiocesan leaders and vocation directors are called to journey with men in their discernment of the priesthood . The work of vocations in the local and universal Church is essential to uplift the priesthood and cultivate the hearts and minds of men who choose to answer God ’ s call .
This work is at the heart of our mission at Sacred Heart and in the Archdiocese of Detroit . We are blessed to share this mission with the dioceses and religious orders in the United States and beyond . Father John Whitlock , Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Lansing , and Father Lawrence Hyginus , Director of Vocations for the Companions of the Cross , shared their approach to supporting discernment of the priesthood in their communities .
Grounded in Prayer
“ Prayer is critical to the fostering of vocations ,” said Father Whitlock . He explained that the Diocese of Lansing invites parishioners to pray for seminarians in their bulletins , social media , posters , prayer cards distributed to their parishes , schools , and adoration chapels . “ I am a strong believer that the Lord will give the Church more priests and religious if we really want them ; that is , if we pray fervently for this grace ,” he explained .
The Companions of the Cross take a similar prayerful approach . Father Hyginus shared that the order ’ s founder Father Robert ( Bob ) Bedard had fallen away from consistent prayer until he experienced a renewal after receiving a prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit at a charismatic prayer meeting . “ Father Bob specifically asked for the ‘ gift of prayer ,’ and the very next day , he woke up with a ‘ burning desire to pray ,’” said Father Hyginus . “ This transformed the course of Father Bob ’ s life and ministry as a priest .” Prayer continues to be a pivotal part of their daily life and discernment .
12 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Spring / Summer 2022