While we are not being denied the ability to practice or learn about our faith , we are beginning to see the effects of a whole generation who don ’ t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior . The fastestgrowing “ religion ” in our nation , which has recently surpassed the number of Catholics , are “ nones ,” those who do not identify with any faith . On top of that , we are in a major decline of priests actively serving in the Archdiocese of Detroit . While we have many outstanding priests who love to serve , much like the priests I met in Ukraine , there are not enough of us . For the past several years , we have been ordaining fewer men than needed to replace the number of those retiring or passing away . Moreover , this is with many of our senior priests who continue to pastor and serve parishes well into their retirement years . Unless something changes , in less than a decade , we will have approximately less than half the number of priests serving in the Archdiocese of Detroit . That is almost half the number of priests who can offer Mass , hear confessions , anoint the sick , and the many other things we have come to expect from our wonderful priests .
At the Chrism Mass , Archbishop Vigneron , announced a Year of Praying for Priestly Vocations for the Archdiocese of Detroit . This year of prayer will begin on the Vigil of Pentecost to rally everyone to pray more fervently for more men to respond to Christ ’ s generous offer to become holy and joyful priests . It starts on the Vigil of Pentecost because that is normally when our ordinations are celebrated . Sadly , however , our year begins with no men being ordained to the priesthood for Detroit . In its place , we are inviting priests to the Cathedral to make a Holy Hour to ask God to send us a new generation of priests . Throughout the year , we will be praying for priestly vocations at every Mass celebrated . There will also be many opportunities and resources for parishes , priests , men discerning , families , and schools to get involved at prayforvocations . com . After the year is through , we will continue the effort to support vocations . A plan is in place to create an ongoing culture of vocations in our parishes and communities , not only for the priesthood but all vocations .
Usually , when Jesus is confronted by someone in the Gospel , he asks them what it is they seek or want . We respond with our very focused answer for more priests . We begin with our fervent prayers because we know that prayer works . Sometimes people think of prayer as a consolation prize . “ There is nothing I can do , so I ’ ll pray for you ,” as the saying goes . Yet , everything we do should begin and end with prayer since prayer can move mountains . Jesus never ceased praying to the Father and teaches us to do so as well . Holy Hours , Masses , vocal prayers , and fasting on First Fridays are among the many ways the faithful can ask the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers to the vineyard .
From my own experience as a vocation director and talking with other vocation directors , men are not answering the call because of the commitment . This is why all vocations are in trouble . Our culture tells our youth to live for themselves in their own freedom , that most likely something better will come along if they wait , and that they can do anything they want in life . The response to this is that they choose to do nothing . I ’ m certainly oversimplifying it , but this sums up the many questions I get from youth when I visit schools . They ask if I regret being a priest and my choices . They are focused on what one has to give up rather than what one gains . And there is so much a man gains from saying yes to God ’ s vocation as a priest . Priests are invited into the most intimate moments of people ’ s lives like weddings and funerals . We perform miracles every day on the altars upon which we celebrate Mass to feed the people with the body and blood of Jesus Christ . The joy I get when I absolve someone from their sins that have been weighing them down is worth more than anything this world has to offer . Of course sacrifice is involved , but that comes with any vocation . The cross Jesus offers us to take up is better than what the world could ever give us .
Prayer is a start but there are many other things we can do to foster vocations to the priesthood . Consider inviting men you see at church to discern a call to the priesthood . They need our support and encouragement . Sometimes the simple affirmation that they have the qualities to make a great priest is enough to give them the courage to take the next step . It is not an easy task to discern a call to the priesthood alone ; we can be the ones that accompany these men on their journey . We will share in a portion of all that they will do as a priest , just as St . Thérèse of Lisieux shared in all the missionary efforts of priests as she prayed for them — so much so that she became the patron saint of missionaries even though she never left the convent .
The reason why the priests I met in Ukraine were so joyful , even amid struggle , was because they courageously stepped up to the challenge of becoming the man God had called them to be . Hard work , adventure , problem-solving , and toil are gifts that lead to a satisfying Christian life worth living . Jesus reminds us that we gain life by losing it . We need men to lay down their lives for the service of the Church . In this year , marked for praying for priestly vocations , let us pray fervently that our sons , grandsons , nephews , and friends will say yes to the adventure of their life .
Fr . Craig Giera is the Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Detroit . Before this role , he was Pastor of St . Ephrem Parish , Sterling Heights . Fr . Giera received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Wayne State University before attending seminary . While at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit , he earned a Bachelor of Philosophy and Master of Divinity before being ordained in 2010 . Later , he earned a Pontifical Degree of Sacred Theology and a doctorate in ministry from Duke University .
10 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Spring / Summer 2022