MOSAIC Spring 2023 | Page 5


Deus Caritas Est : God Is Love

The Centerpiece of Christian Spirituality

Dr . Patricia Cooney Hathaway

A few years ago , a Boston College philosophy professor , Kerry Cronin , added a requirement to her philosophy course : Ask someone out on a date . She created this assignment after learning how many of her seniors were about to graduate , never having had this experience . Many of her students were apprehensive — what if I ’ m turned down ? They didn ’ t know what to do . Dr . Cronin gave them the following guidelines : The person who asks pays , the first date can cost no more than $ 10.00 , and the date can last no longer than 90 minutes . No sex , no alcohol . One young woman reported that she asked a guy whom she had known for a while to join her for ice cream not far from campus . It was the first time , she said , that they actually had a real conversation .

In his book , Lost in Transition , the Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood , Christian Smith , a sociologist at the University of Notre Dame , and his associates interviewed hundreds of young adults regarding their experience of the “ hookup ” culture . While some recounted having no regrets about being sexually active , many others described the hurt , confusion , and disillusionment that continues to affect them negatively today . One young woman admits , “ I didn ’ t feel the liberation or freedom that supposedly comes from casual sex .” Another stated , “ It sucked . It totally did not live up to what it was supposed to be — special .” Finally , a young woman describes her regret , “ I just wished that it had been pounded more into my head when I was younger — wait .”
Besides waiting , what message does our Church give not only to young people , but to adults and clergy regarding sex , friendship , and love ? Benedict XVI ’ s encyclical Deus Caritas
Est provides a witness , a testimony , and for some , a balm for those who have been hurt , disappointed , and disillusioned in their quest for love .
The first part of the document focuses on the relationship between divine and human love . The second part focuses on the commandment to love one ’ s neighbor , especially the role of the laity in creating a just society . In order to do justice to the richness and length of the encyclical , this article will focus on the first part . shms . edu 5