MOSAIC Spring 2023 | Page 11

Pope Benedict XVI visits the Fatima Shrine in Portugal on May 13 , 2010 .
L ’ Osservatore Romano
Third Encyclical : Caritas in Veritate
Pope Benedict XVI ’ s final encyclical , Caritas in Veritate [ CIV ] is a major contribution to the social doctrine of the Church . It highlights four key points with regard to economics : ( 1 ) the influence of original sin ; ( 2 ) the universal destination of the goods of the earth ; ( 3 ) the need for justice in economics ; and ( 4 ) the spirit of gift .
Original sin can incline man to believe that “ he is the sole author of himself , his life and society ” ( CIV 34 ). The “ pernicious effects ” of original sin can move man “ to confuse happiness and salvation with immanent forms of material prosperity and social action ” and to believe “ that the economy must be autonomous ” and “ shielded from the ‘ influences ’ of a moral character ” ( CIV , 34 ).
The unity of the human race ( cf . Acts 17:26 ) provides the basis for “ the universal destination of the goods of the earth ,” a principle found in Aquinas ( Summa theologica II-II , q . 66 , a . 2 , ad 1 ); and affirmed by Leo XIII ( Rerum novarum , 19 ), Pius XI , ( Quadragesimo anno , 58 ), Vatican II ( Gaudium et spes , 69 ); Paul VI ( Populorum progressio , 22 ) and John Paul II ( Centesimus annus , 31 ). Because of the universal destination of the goods of the earth , we must transcend economic projects “ that are self-centered , protectionist or at the service of private interests ” ( CIV , 42 ). The pursuit of justice in economics requires that the market economy should be subject not only to commutative justice —“ which regulates the relations of giving and receiving between parties to a transaction ” ( CIV , 35 ; cf . CCC , 2411 )— but also to “ distributive justice and social justice ” ( CIV , 35 ).
The Christian approach to economics must go beyond contracts , regulations , and laws . It must involve “ works redolent of the spirit of gift ” ( CIV , 37 ). The spirit of gift enables economic life to be authentically human and rooted in solidarity and justice . Charity is the hidden power behind solidarity , “ which is first and foremost a sense of responsibility on the part of everyone with regard to everyone ” ( CIV , 38 ). Charity also moves us beyond “ the binary model of marketplus-State ” and reminds us that , “ business activity has a human significance ” ( CIV , 41 ). The spirit of gift motivates “ types of economic initiative which , without rejecting profit , aim at a higher goal than the mere logic of the exchange of equivalents , of profit as an end in itself ” ( CIV , 38 ).
The three encyclicals of Benedict XVI are grounded in the three theological virtues of faith , hope , and love . They provide inspiration and hope in the midst of violence and sin ; and they direct us towards Christ , the Incarnate Love of God , who is the true hope of the world .
Dr . Robert Fastiggi is the Bishop Kevin M . Britt Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Christology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary .
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