MOSAIC Spring 2018 | Page 2
Chairman, Board of Trustees
The Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron
Archbishop of Detroit
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Vice Rector/Dean of Seminarian Formation
Rev. Stephen Burr
Dean of Studies
Rev. Timothy Laboe
Dean, Institute for Lay Ministry
Dr. Matthew Gerlach
Director of Finance, Treasurer
Ann Marie Connolly
Director of Facilities Management
John Duncan
he book of Genesis reveals that “God created mankind in his
image; in the image of God he created them; male and female
he created them” (Gn 1:27). From the beginning humanity has been
blessed as that special creation by the living God, created out of
love—created for love—and in the image of the living God.
Director of Development and Stewardship
David Kelley
Director of Communications
Edmundo Reyes
Executive Editor
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
As male and female, God created the image and likeness of God. Pope Paul
humanity with the capacity to love one VI recognized clearly that contraception
another. And through revelation and the opens a pathway through which persons
gift of incarnation, we are invited by Jesus can begin to use one another as objects of
to participate in the divine love of Father, pleasure and not according to the genuine,
Son, and Spirit. The possibility of loving sacrificial love from which we are created.
In October, the Church will recognize
God, then, comes from the fact that God
the wisdom and courage
has first loved us and giv-
of Pope Paul VI and cel-
en us the gift of redemp-
“... the love we express
ebrate his canonization.
tion through the mystery
to one another is not
As you read the articles
of the incarnate Word.
disassociated from
in this issue of the Mo-
This year the univer-
the love that God
saic, may they inspire you
sal Church celebrates the
to contemplate the depth
fiftieth anniversary of
bestows on us.”
to which God loves us, by
the encyclical Humanae
Vitae. Through the course of the encycli- sending his Son whose heart was pierced
cal, there is a foundational principle that for our salvation. Be assured of the prayers
gives substance and meaning to the specific of the Sacred Heart community for you and
teachings on contraception and married all the faithful friends and benefactors of
life. As human beings, the love we express the seminary!
to one another is not disassociated from
the love that God bestows on us. Therefore, Sincerely In Christ,
our expressions of love should be rooted in
an awareness of our own dignity and the
dignity of the other. Authentic love is mani-
fested in words and actions that respect the Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
other deeply for who she or he is, created in Rector/President
Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Spring 2018
Managing Editor
Jonathan Francis
Contributing Writers
Dcn. Perrin Atisha
Richard Budd
Theodore Devine
Maggie Doyle
Ryan Eggenberger
Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway
Dr. Mary Healy
Jeremy Ingles
Dr. Mark Latkovic
Marco Maceri
Sr. Agnes Maria
Dcn. John McKenzie
Fr. Peter F. Ryan
Dr. Janet Smith
Darci Swisher
Biak Thuantho
Mosaic is published two times per year by
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
2701 Chicago Boulevard
Detroit, Michigan 48206
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