MOSAIC Spring 2017 | страница 24


The Most Important Work

Fr . Eduardo Montemayor , SOLT , is a priest of The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity religious community . He holds a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from Sacred Heart ( 2013 ).
INTO THE VINEYARD Alumni Advancing the New Evangelization


am truly blessed to have graduated with my Licentiate in Sacred Theology in the New Evangelization from Sacred Heart in April 2013 .
After working “ full-time ” for over two years on my degree and thesis ( a unique grace I am eternally grateful for ), I was anxious to get out into the Lord ’ s vineyard , equipped with a clear understanding and vision for evangelization , as well as a passion to transform our parishes into vibrant centers for evangelization and discipleship formation .
It ’ s been almost four years since I graduated . I wanted to briefly highlight what I ’ ve done with my STL degree , in what I consider the most important work in the universe — evangelization .
Upon graduation , I was offered a position with the Archdiocese of Detroit , as the associate director for evangelization and Hispanic ministry . It was exciting to first build up the existing ministry teams and to hire highly qualified individuals who were spiritually gifted in evangelization . It was hugely important to communicate to the teams , and through the teams , a vision for parish evangelization in stages .
And praise God , we were able to jumpstart evangelization in many parishes and to touch many untouched hearts by implementing a variety of ministries and designing new ones where needed . I was also privileged to serve on the leadership team for the Archdiocesan 2016 Synod on evangelization .
Two and a half years later , I was called to a totally new apostolate by the superior of my community , The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity ( SOLT ). I have been tasked with helping to develop a parish-based evangelization and discipleship ministry process deemed “ The Immaculate Conception Project ” that would impact and transform the culture of individuals , families , and parishes .
The assignment is no small task — yet along with a wonderful team of SOLT priests , sisters , and laity , we have currently developed two courses that complement each other : RE- VIVE and Becoming Missionary Disciples .
REVIVE is a seven-week evangelization course designed to revive a person ’ s faith by proclaiming a Trinitarian kerygma within a context of great hospitality , and providing a two-day retreat in which a unique encounter takes place with God the Father , Son , and Holy Spirit . REVIVE is then followedup by Becoming Missionary Disciples , a tenweek course that forms authentic lay missionary disciples of Jesus through Mary . This ministry is then followed up by more long-term Missionary Discipleship Groups .
I am now living with my community in Phoenix , Arizona , at Most Holy Trinity Parish , and loving the warm weather and beautiful mountains . We are currently piloting these new ministries in English and Spanish , and we are hoping to start professionally filming all these ministries next summer .
My dream is to be able to share these ministries with many parishes throughout the world . To that end , I am working closely with the Diocese of Phoenix and , in fact , will be giving their next Lenten retreat to their chancery staff .
As you can see , the Lord has been putting my STL degree to work in his vineyard . May God , who loves you , bless you .
22 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Spring 2017