MOSAIC Spring 2016 | страница 2
Chairman, Board of Trustees
The Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron
Archbishop of Detroit
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Vice Rector/Dean of Seminarian Formation
Rev. Gerard Battersby
Dean of Studies
Rev. Timothy Laboe
Mercy and Charity Together
Dean, Institute for Ministry
Dr. Janet Diaz
Director of Finance, Treasurer
Ann Marie Connolly
he Jubilee Year of Mercy is a time for each one of us to
reconsider the mystery and gift of mercy. Pope Francis
reflects upon this great gift in The Face of Mercy, the Bull of
Indiction that announced the Jubilee Year. He writes,
Director of Facilities Management
John Duncan
Director of Educational Technology
Chad Hughes
Director of Development and Stewardship
David Kelley
Director of Institutional Advancement
Edmundo Reyes
Mercy is inextricably linked with the
“Jesus, seeing the crowds of people who
followed him, realized that they were tired virtue of charity. In order for mercy to be
and exhausted, lost and without a guide, authentic, it must be exercised in the conand he felt deep compassion for them (Mt. text of charity and lead one to conversion.
9:36). On the basis of this compassionate Mercy flows from a heart filled with love, a
love he healed the sick who were present- heart that wants the very best for the sheep.
ed to him (Mt. 14:14), and with just a few Thus, only when the shepherd truly loves
loaves of bread and fish he satisfied the the sheep can he exercise authentic mercy.
As you read these articles and explore
enormous crowd (Mt. 15:37).
“What moved Jesus in all of these situ- the latest news about the activities here at
ations was nothing other than mercy, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, be assured
that we hold you in
with which he read
prayer. As a friend and
the hearts of those
“Our work here at
benefactor, you are part
he encountered and
Sacred Heart Major
of the great mission of
responded to their
Sacred Heart to form
deepest need.”
Seminary is forming
Our work here at
priests, deacons, and
our students to be
Sacred Heart Major
lay leaders for the dyfilled with mercy.”
Seminary is forming
namic and challenging
our students to be
work of ministry.
filled with mercy, to have a deep desire to
Thank you for your continued support.
feed the sheep, heal the sheep, and accompany the sheep along the journey of conver- Sincerely in Christ,
sion. Sadly, in many cases, the concept of
mercy has been reduced in contemporary
society to mean nothing more than open
permission to do anything without consideration of the truth.
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
That is far from the case.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Spring 2016
Executive Editor
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Managing Editor
Daniel Gallio
Fr. Mathew George Charthakuzhiyil
Dr. Eduardo Echeverria
Mary Giroux
Peter Herbeck
Fr. Pierre Ingram, CC
Dr. Ralph Martin
Mary Kay McPartlin
Derik Peterman
Patrick Setto
Darci Swisher
Daniel Ward
Dr. Peter Williamson
Msgr. John Zenz
Mosaic is published two times per year by
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
2701 Chicago Boulevard
Detroit, Michigan 48206
[email protected]
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