MOSAIC Spring 2015 | Page 2
Chairman, Board of Trustees
The Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron
Archbishop of Detroit
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Vice Rector/Dean of Formation
Rev. Gerard Battersby
Dean of Studies
Rev. Timothy Laboe
Dean, Institute for Ministry
Dr. Janet Diaz
Director of Finance, Treasurer
Ann Marie Connolly
Director of Facilities Management
eep within every human heart is the desire to love and
to be loved, a desire to know and to be known, a desire
for true intimacy. But even more glorious and mysterious is
the movement of God toward us human beings.
This is the encounter between the infinite
The mystery of divine revelation is thus a
God who takes the initiative to approach deeply transformative encounter with Christ.
humanity and the creature who receives As Dei Verbum continues, it speaks to faith,
this gift in faith. This Word, sent from the our response to this wonderful gift of revelaFather, is not sent merely to announce tion. “To make this act of faith, the grace of
or to declare information. The Word God and the interior help of the Holy Spirit
is sent to reveal the Trinity itself. This en- must precede and assist, moving the heart
counter takes place in a powerful way in and turning it to God, opening the eyes of
and through the Incarnation. The fullness the mind and giving ‘joy and ease to everyone
of revelation is thus the “encounter” on the in assenting to the truth and believing in it’”
deepest level between creator and creature, (no. 5). Faith establishes a living relationship—
and lived within the context of the whole person to person. Thus through revelation,
ecclesial character of
God comes toward us,
the Church.
and through faith we
“The living God has
At the very heart of
turn toward God and
actually spoken to
the Vatican II docugive ourselves to God in
ment Dei Verbum (The
Word of God) is the
As always, it is my
mystery of this encounter. “Hearing” is the hope the articles in this issue of Mosaic
first word of the prologue of Dei Verbum. It shed some light on this mystery and also
is a striking and provocative point of depar- inspire you in your own prayer and discipleture that signals the posture of the creature ship. Be assured of the continued prayers of
in relation to Creator who seeks to reveal the Sacred Heart community for you and
himself. It is a posture that invites the crea- your loved ones.
ture into an intimate relationship with the
Creator who, by means of revelation, em- Sincerely yours in Christ,
braces the creature in love. Here we recognize that the living God has actually spoken
to humanity. God takes the initiative and
reveals the mystery of the Trinity to human- Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
ity through humanity.
John Duncan
Director of Educational Technology
Chad Hughes
Director of Development and Stewardship
David Kelley
Director of Institutional Advancement
Edmundo Reyes
Executive Editor
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Managing Editor
Daniel Gallio
Director of Alumni Relations
Rev. Richard Perfetto
Patricia Chase
Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway
Andrew Dawson
Martha Demerly
Kelly Herron
Matthew Hood
Ryan Riley
David Pellican
Deacon Rudy Piro
Dr. M. Katherine Tillman
Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron
Dr. John Yocum
Mosaic is published two times per year by
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
2701 Chicago Boulevard
Detroit, Michigan 48206
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