Joy of the Gospel
“My Spirit Rejoices
in God My Savior”
Dr. Robert Fastiggi
What does Mary teach me about happiness and hope?
ne of the most beautiful titles of Mary
is “Cause of Our Joy” (Causa Nostrae
Laetitiae). This title is found in the Litany
of Loreto, a prayer to Mary given papal
approval by Sixtus V in 1587.
How, though, is the Blessed Mother “the
cause of our joy”?
A Special Grace
Mary’s role as a source of joy and
hope is rooted in salvation history.
Vatican Council II, in Lumen Gentium
no. 55, links Mary with the Old
Testament’s “Daughter of Zion” who
rejoices because “the King of Israel,
the Lord” is in the midst of his people
(cf. Zeph 3:14-15). In X\