MOSAIC Fall 2023 | Page 41

J . H . Muren and Family M . J . Murphy Rev . Timothy J . Murphy † Frank J . Navin † Anthony Neckel Family Mr . and Mrs . Robert Oakman Mr . and Mrs . John G . O ’ Neil Carolyn Orband † Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Our Lady of the Rosary School , Detroit Mr . and Mrs . P . B . Peltier Matthew E . and Alice Plunkett Mr . and Mrs . John C . Rabaut † Louis A . Rabaut † and Family Mr . and Mrs . Richard F . Reaume Edward F . Reilly † Mrs . Manette L . Reilly † Katie B . Robinson † Angela Roe Bertha H . Ruoff † John Ryan † Margaret T . Ryan † Mr . and Mrs . Francis J . Sehn † Bartholomew A . Seymour † Sisters and Children of St . Joseph ’ s
College and Academy , Adrian Sisters and Children of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary , Monroe Sisters of St . Joseph , Nazareth Mrs . Edward A . Skae Mr . and Mrs . Elmer J . Smith Mrs . Charles H . Stevenson Daniel Sullivan Albert P . Ternes and Family Mary G . Theisen William B . Thompson Rose A . M . Thurston Charles E . Troester Mrs . David Trombly and
Mrs . Rosemary Trombly Roney Mr . and Mrs . Alfred Trombly Rt . Rev . Msgr . F . J . VanAntwerp †
Mr . and Mrs . M . Gore VanAntwerp † Edmund A . Vier Alex F . Walker Edward J . Walker † Joseph V . Walker William M . Walker John H . Walsh Robert Walsh and Stephen A . Graham , Jr . Leonard D . Ward † George L . Weber and Family John M . Welch Mr . and Mrs . Thomas H . Welch Werner Estate Frank F . Wiethoff and Family

Giving Appreciated Stock Is Good Stewardship

Transferring appreciated securities ( stocks , bonds , mutual funds ) directly to Sacred Heart Major Seminary is good stewardship .
By transferring appreciated securities ( held for more than one year ), you receive an income tax deduction for its full value and avoid paying capital gains tax . This allows Sacred Heart to use 100 % of your gift to form future priests , deacons , and lay leaders . Otherwise , if you sell the securities , you would pay the capital gains tax and send the balance to Sacred Heart . Clearly , transferring stock directly is good stewardship .
For more information , please call Jim Thomas , ( 313 ) 596-7450 , email at thomas . jim @ aod . org , or visit shms . edu and click on the “ Giving ” link .
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