MOSAIC Fall 2023 | Page 34

Archbishop Vigneron presents 75 degrees , seven diplomas , and 33 certifications during seminary ’ s class of 2023 commencement

Sacred Heart Major Seminary sends forth 101 graduates to ‘ set the world on fire ’

Archbishop Vigneron presents 75 degrees , seven diplomas , and 33 certifications during seminary ’ s class of 2023 commencement

Gabriella Patti

Sacred Heart Major Seminary celebrated 101 graduates April 29 , sending forth laity and clergy to work in God ’ s vineyard during a baccalaureate Mass and commencement ceremony for the class of 2023 .

This June marks 100 years since the laying of the seminary ’ s cornerstone , said Father Charlie Fox , vice rector of Sacred Heart , who gave the homily during a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Allen H . Vigneron .
But while the physical cornerstone marks the presence of Sacred Heart in the city of Detroit , its graduates will bring the heart of Christ to those they serve in parishes , schools , and ministries across the Archdiocese of Detroit and beyond , Father Fox said .
“ What we celebrate on this commencement day and baccalaureate Mass is that our hearts have been formed according to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ ,” Father Fox said in his homily addressed to the graduates . “ St . Paul actually describes this urgency in
2 Corinthians 5:14-15 : ‘ For the love of Christ compels us because we have judged that one died for all , therefore all have died , and He died for all that those who live might no longer live for themselves , but for Him who for their sakes died and was raised .’”
During the 98th annual commencement ceremony , Sacred Heart graduates received a combined 75 degrees , 7 diplomas , and 33 certificates .
Honors awarded included 32 Certificates in Catholic Theology
34 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Fall 2023