MOSAIC Fall 2023 | Page 21

William O ’ Donnell , Yousif Habeeb , and Mark Beukema standing in front of some of the caves that held the Dead Sea Scrolls . These caves also may have belonged to early ascetic monks who journeyed into the desert to live intense lives of penance .
Documenting Their Journey
The group spent the majority of the month in Israel , ending with four days in Rome . In the Holy Land , they visited churches ( of the Visitation , of the Transfiguration , of the Holy Sepulchre — to name a few ), holy cities ( Jerusalem , Bethlehem , Emmaus ), and sacred sites ( the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized , the Sea of Galilee where he called the apostles , the Temple Mount where Mary presented baby Jesus ). In Rome , they toured St . Peter ’ s Basilica , St . Mary Major , and many other churches .
To document their time abroad , the seminarians paused most days to create a video log , or vlog . While they may not have become YouTube sensations , their “ fans ” back home and around their home dioceses tuned in . The men took turns hosting short video installments , sharing with viewers what they were seeing and explaining the significance of each place for Catholics and their own personal faith journey .
Brandon Elias , a seminarian with the Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Detroit , offered commentary with O ’ Donnell for several of the vlogs , which were posted on Sacred Heart ’ s Mosaic website and YouTube .
“ We wanted to bring people along with us on the pilgrimage ,” said Elias . “ It was important to us not only to share the historical part of our pilgrimage but even more importantly , to share what we were experiencing personally and how it affected us .”
Personal Encounters
O ’ Donnell was especially moved by his time in Bethany , where Lazarus was raised . He had been praying fervently for his grandmother , who was battling cancer while he was away . He thought of her during Mass at a church there as he listened to the Gospel in which Jesus said , “ I am the resurrection and the life ; whoever believes in me , even if he dies , will live , and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die .” ( Jn 11:25 ).
“ It was very powerful to pray that for my grandmother ’ s sake , knowing that God is longing to be with her and how eagerly he wants to do that with everyone . He wants to be everyone ’ s salvation ,” O ’ Donnell said .
His grandmother passed away shortly after he returned . He and his family were with her when she died .
In a vlog from Day 6 of the pilgrimage , Drew Langton from the Diocese of Marquette shared his experience in Bethlehem , where the group visited the Church of the Nativity and the field where the shepherds saw the angels the night that Jesus was born . They sang Christmas hymns and celebrated Christmas Mass because “ it ’ s always Christmas at the nativity at Bethlehem ,” as Langton explains . As he watched thousands of people coming into the cave to see the place where Jesus was born , he could see more clearly than ever that God became man for each of them , for him , and for all people individually .
Elias recalls climbing to the roof of a church in the middle of Jerusalem and seeing people walking on the busy side streets . It struck him that these streets are the very paths that Jesus walked on as a child .
“ It was great to see the beauty of Jerusalem within the hustle and bustle and then to see Rome and how Christianity has evolved , and go to so many incredible churches glorifying God ,” said Elias , “ It reminded me of the verse in Psalm 139 that says , ‘ Your thoughts are too high for me , Lord , I
can ’ t understand them .’ That ’ s how I felt most of the time I was there , and it was beautiful .”
A Summer of Growth
Following the pilgrimage , seminarians took three weeks to regroup before most of them packed their bags again , this time for a 30-day retreat making the Spiritual Exercises of St . Ignatius of Loyola . The month serves as an intense time of prayer , silence , and spiritual direction .
“ They make the exercises after the pilgrimage . So , as they meditate on different scenes in Jesus ’ life during the retreat , they are fresh from having been to those places on the pilgrimage ,” said Msgr . Trapp .
Learn More
To view the vlogs from the May journey , scan the QR code or visit mosaic . shms . edu / category / desert .
To support the next Desert Formation Experience by hosting a Desert Meal at your parish in support of a future pilgrimage , contact Emily Berschback at berschback . emily @ shms . edu .
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