MOSAIC Fall 2023 | Page 19


Falling in Love with the Priesthood and the Eucharist

When I was growing up , I never gave much thought to “ discerning my vocation ,” or even to the idea that God had a purpose for my life already planned out . I never lost my faith , but I approached my life decisions as something I had to figure out for myself and do whatever I set my mind to .

When I was 17 , I had an encounter with Jesus that changed my life . It was the first time I had ever attended the Mass of the Lord ’ s Supper on the evening of Holy Thursday . Hearing the Scripture passages about the institution of the priesthood , and the centrality of the Eucharist as the true Passover sacrifice as is made present on the altars of our churches and chapels , revealed that Jesus gave us two gifts of incalculable worth before undergoing his passion — the priesthood and the holy Eucharist . I remember being able to experience Jesus ’ immense love during the Mass . In giving us these two gifts , in his divine wisdom , he made it possible for us to give a perfect response to his sacrifice on Calvary — by receiving his Body and Blood , and by offering him our worship . I was captivated and moved with love for Jesus in his true eucharistic presence , and I was absolutely in love with the priesthood , especially in the way it ’ s recounted in John 13 ( the Gospel for Holy Thursday ), when Jesus washes the disciples ’ feet . He shows us that the heart of his priesthood is alterity , or concern for the other , which , of course , is the central motivation for his suffering and death on the cross for us .
After we processed from the church to the altar of repose with the Blessed Sacrament , I remember kneeling and praying silently for a long time . When I walked back to my car in silence , I was thinking about the priesthood and the Eucharist , but also , I was thinking about the profound joy that was so clearly visible in all the concelebrating priests and the Bishop , who was the main celebrant . In the midst of that I sensed the Lord saying , “ You could do that someday .” I knew the Lord was revealing the priesthood as my potential vocation . And this was accompanied by the most intense feeling of joy I ’ ve ever experienced in my life ; I still remember it very well . This experience was life-changing , but I had no idea how to respond to it . I knew I wanted to do something I loved , but I wasn ’ t sure it was priesthood .
I loved science when I was in middle school and high school , and I thought very seriously about pursuing a career as a doctor . In college I majored in human biology , and I loved it ! However , after my first year at Michigan State , my heart felt very uneasy about preparing for the MCAT exam , going to medical school , and finally establishing a career as a doctor . I began to ask myself , and more importantly , I began to ask the Lord , “ Is this what I ’ m supposed to do ?” Not long after that , a priest whom I know and trust asked me if I had ever thought about priesthood . I told him I had , and that was the first step in responding to the Lord ’ s call , which I had heard on that Holy Thursday evening . Eventually , I talked to the Vocations Director for the Diocese of Lansing and visited Sacred Heart for a discernment weekend in January 2019 . On that visit , the Lord made it very clear that seminary was the next step for me . I arrived as a seminarian in August 2020 , and I ’ m now in my fourth year at Sacred Heart .
These past years in the seminary have been full of blessings . Particularly , the opportunity to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament every day and the ability to receive him daily in the Eucharist have both been critical to my formation . It ’ s a great grace to be formed by priests who also have this immense love of the Eucharist and the priesthood to which they have been ordained . The Lord has shown me that I ’ m growing closer to him each day , and through this , he ’ s giving me the courage to respond to this vocation . The years have gone by very quickly , and I know these last three years of seminary formation will also soon pass by . But I also know that every day , Jesus is continuing to build up the love he has given me for the priesthood and the Eucharist , and forming me as a shepherd after his own heart .
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