MOSAIC Fall 2023 | Page 17


Finding the ‘ purpose of life ’ at Sacred Heart

When I was younger , I didn ’ t pay much attention to religion . As a Chaldean , I grew up with my mom forcing me to get up on Sunday morning to go to Mass until I was old enough to decide that I didn ’ t want to go . I loved my cultural background and the hymns we sang at Mass , but I never paid attention to the liturgy or anything related to it . I spent most of my high school life not attending Sunday Mass .

I lived my life in sort of a dull way until one night in the winter of 2011 . My sister asked my brother and me if we were ready to be uncles for the first time . That thought startled me quite a bit . I had always thought I was going to be a father one day but never gave much thought to my own future until my first niece was born . It drove me to ask the big questions : “ What is my purpose in life ?” and “ What are humans made for ?”
These questions weren ’ t answered right away . After my niece was born , I had a strong desire to find these answers so I could be the best uncle I could be while also hopefully becoming a better brother and a better son . I began to attend Mass on my own each Sunday and was a bit more intentional in the attention I gave while I was there . I also did my own research on other religions to seek answers to these questions . The more I searched on my own , the more the Catholic faith made the most sense . After about a year of attending Sunday Mass consistently , I remember talking to one of the priests at my parish and telling him I was thinking about becoming a priest . He encouraged me to start serving on the altar . From there , things escalated quite quickly in my faith life . I began to serve on the altar , lead youth groups , and lead retreats for young adults . Most importantly , I began to attend adoration two to three nights a week to spend time in front of the Most Blessed Sacrament . That is where the seed of my vocation was planted and from where it receives its life even today .
Before I took the step to join the seminary , I knew I had some things to work out in my life . I graduated college and worked as a mechanical engineer for a couple of years . During my time in college and after , I continued to spend a good amount of time each week in the chapel in front of the Eucharist . There wasn ’ t a specific epiphany moment , but gradually my heart kept burning with this desire to give myself completely to God . My question went from “ What is my purpose in life ?” to “ How do I become a saint ?” The desire to be a father was still there as well , but there was an overwhelming amount of peace and clarity in the vocation of the priesthood .
I entered seminary in the fall of 2020 . I am now in my fourth year of seminary , Theology II , studying for the Chaldean Eparchy of St . Thomas the Apostle . Sacred Heart ’ s priestly formation has given me much more clarity and has allowed me to recognize that holiness isn ’ t so clear-cut . Rather , it is a lifelong process . I recognize that what I desire most is for my heart to be conformed to the Most Sacred Heart . My time spent at Sacred Heart so far has allowed me to see a couple of ways in which I am drawn to God the most , “ And I will give you a new heart , and a new spirit I will put within you . And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh .” ( Ezek 36:26 )
First , through the sacraments , especially receiving the Eucharist and confession . Receiving Jesus each day at Mass is the sustenance that my soul needs . Also , the human person grows in much more intimate self-knowledge through the sacrament of confession , especially if it is practiced with devotion and sincerity , for nothing is more generous than the mercy of God . Second , through family and community . My family ( especially my nieces and nephews ) have taught me how to love in ways that I didn ’ t know were possible . The same goes for my brothers at seminary . I entrust them to God each and every day . I encourage you all to pray for those whom you love and even for those you don ’ t ! And while you ’ re at it , please pray for me as well ! May we all in our own unique way become saints only that it may glorify God . shms . edu 17