MOSAIC Fall 2023 | Page 10

“ The chapel is beautifully simple , but majestic all at the same time ,” says Sacred Heart Admissions Director and former Sacred Heart student , John Lajiness , “ The Gothic arches , the warm-toned wood — the scent of incense that lingers over every brick from decades of prayers rising up to God , I ’ ve made almost every important discernment of my life praying in those choir stalls . We talk about ‘ Encounter , Grow , Witness ’— that Chapel has been my place of encounter .”
Sanctuary Window
The eyes of any visitor sitting in a pew will naturally be drawn upward to the majestic sanctuary window and its Gothic arch shape rich with symbolism behind the altar . Deep blue , green , and red stained glass feature the risen Christ surrounded by the Twelve Apostles . Below the Apostles ’ feet are the words “ poverty , chastity , and obedience ,” and surrounding the Apostles are the seven sacraments . Above Christ and the apostles are the four evangelists Matthew , Mark , Luke , and John . Six teardrop shapes below the evangelists depict the symbols for the six principal parts of the Apostles Creed . Bishop Gallagher ’ s coat of arms peers out the apex of the window . Below Christ ’ s feet are two angels with censors and below them is the papal coat of arms . At the bottom of the window are the words “ Go , therefore , teach all nations .” ( Mt 28:19 ).
“ When I walk into the chapel the high ceiling lifts my heart and soul beyond the material world to the heavenly Jerusalem ; the Holy Spirit stirs my desire to encounter the Lord ,” reflects Theology I seminarian John Lennon , “ When reflecting on those images in the stained glass , the Lord shows me that that is how he desires me to spend my life , and I in return desire that too .”
“ There are two features that I love about our chapel that draw me to prayer . The first is the high , ascending ceiling , which transmits a sense of transcendence and mystery . The second is the stained glass window above the altar . Right in the middle of it is a figure of the glorified Christ . The sun always seems to animate the figure , thus reminding me that Jesus is close , drawing me into an ever deeper relationship with him ,” reflects Professor of Spirituality and Systematic Theology , Dr . Patricia Cooney Hathaway , whose grandfather , Henry J . Brennan , helped build the seminary and its chapel .
This window , along with all of the other nearly 200 stained glass figures in the chapel , were crafted in Munich , Germany , under the direction of artist Emil Frei , who was born and raised in Bavaria . Frei immigrated to the United States and eventually settled in St . Louis , where he started his own stained glass company . To meet heavy demand , his company later opened a branch in Munich , which survived until it was destroyed during World War II .
The Reredos
Behind the altar is an ornamental oak panel hand-carved by artisans from Oberammergau , Germany , who came to the United States . after World War I . It features the Sacred Heart of Jesus with outstretched arms and the 12 Apostles . The carvings of angels and delicate latticework decorate the top of the panel .
“ The materials that form the chapel are simple — brick , stone , and wood ,” reflects Deacon Stephen Moening , “ Seeing these materials that were etched , carved , and formed to create a beautiful space for our Lord stirs up a desire in me whenever I ’ m praying in the chapel to be carved and etched by Jesus , to let him form me into his disciple . By letting him work in our own lives , we can become beautiful temples just like our chapel here at Sacred Heart .”
Each of the apostles holds something ; usually , it is one of the things used to kill them : James the Less with a fuller ’ s club ; Bartholomew holds a knife ; Thomas with a lancehead ; Philip with timber and stones ; etc . In a 1944 student-published book celebrating the seminary ’ s silver jubilee , one student called the reredos the “ Hall of Fame of the priesthood .”
“ I love the carvings of the Twelve Apostles ,” says Father Brian Meldrum , Assistant Professor of Theology and Director of Liturgy , “ We pray a line in the Breviary about the Apostles : “ You are the men who have stood by me in my time of trial .” It ’ s a prayer I offer for myself and for every seminarian and priest : that we will stand with each other and with Jesus at all times .
Eucharistic Adoration Altar
In the chapel ’ s left transept is the Eucharistic Adoration Altar , an altar with special significance for any seminarian at Sacred Heart , it is the most foundational element in their formation .
“ I remember countless times of personal prayer , especially Eucharistic Adoration , when I was able to be “ me ” before our Eucharistic Lord . To lay out my biggest dreams , my deepest struggles , the many doubts and questions , along with the subtle confirmations that came from discerning his call for my life ,” recalls Father Richard Dorsch , “ These times of prayer in our chapel are when the Lord slowly and lovingly began shaping my heart into a priestly heart , his priestly heart , and I came to the conviction that the only worthy response I could offer in return for that deep spiritual intimacy was to lay down my life for him .
The altar features a three-paneled stained glass window portraying St . Joseph , Christ the King , and St . Peter . The tabernacle is constructed in the shape of a Gothic cathedral to reflect the chapel ’ s architecture . On the door of the tabernacle is Christ ’ s image , which is bordered by miniature statues of the 12 Apostles mimicking those found in the reredos .
10 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Fall 2023