1 . A disciple is one who decides to “ follow after ” Jesus .
It is striking how frequently the language of “ following ” appears in the context of discipleship in all four Gospels . Becoming a Christian disciple is more than just being a religious person or holding a set of religious beliefs . If we are a disciple , we actually follow a person — and that person is Jesus Christ . In Jesus ’ day , to follow him had real consequences . It was costly and required commitment . To become a disciple of Jesus meant leaving home and family and setting out on the road , walking behind Jesus , and identifying with his company of friends . Today , we don ’ t follow Jesus physically by strapping on our sandals and walking behind him down the dusty roads of Palestine , but we are genuinely called to follow him . It means sharing his fate and identifying fully with him .
2 . A disciple is one who is taught and tutored by Jesus .
The Gospels make clear that Jesus spent a lot of time teaching . He often taught large crowds of people , once climbing into a boat so that he could address all the people gathered on the shore ( Mt 13:2 ). Jesus also took his hand-picked disciples aside on many occasions and explained to them his teaching in parables . He opened his mind to them and revealed things about the kingdom of God . This teaching was progressive , one thing building on another . The disciples were often slow learners and failed to understand his purpose , but Jesus persevered in patience , instructing
6 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Fall 2022