Chairman , Board of Trustees The Most Rev . Allen H . Vigneron , Archbishop of Detroit
Rector / President Very Rev . Stephen Burr
Vice Rector / Dean of Seminarian Formation Rev . Charles Fox
Dean of Studies Rev . Timothy Laboe
Dean of the Institute for Lay Ministry Dr . Kevin Clarke
Director of Finance , Treasurer Ann Marie Connolly
Director of Facilities Management John Duncan
Director of Alumni Relations & Special Events Emily Berschback
Director of Technology Jeffrey Mesch
Discipleship is an identity , an active choice to follow and model one ’ s life after the individual they follow . Thus , the obvious questions are : Who do you follow , after whom do you model your life ? As Christians , we know the answer is Jesus .
The matter of discipleship is a focus in everyday seminary life . In seminarian formation , there are two simultaneous tracks of discerning God ’ s call , one from the seminarian and one from the Church . The seminarian and the Church ( a community of formators ) are looking for indicators or signs of a call to the priesthood and the seminarian ’ s response to God . Essentially , the seminarian and the Church are discerning whether the discipleship of the seminarian will be expressed in the priesthood or not . When indicators of discipleship in the discernment of the priesthood are manifested , they are beautiful to behold . Why are they beautiful ? Because the indicators of discipleship show a life of faith and virtue that makes seminarians act more like Jesus Christ .
Whether in the seminary or living a life of faith as a lay witness , when an
individual understands God ’ s love for them and lives in that love , they exhibit multiple indicators of being a disciple . Before any of us takes too much credit or pats ourselves on the back for our discipleship , we should keep in mind that the signs associated with being a disciple exhibit more about God ’ s love and mercy than point to the goodness of an individual . Grace is necessary and abundant for the disciples of Jesus Christ . It is not only we who follow Jesus Christ ; our discipleship is firstly Jesus loving us . Our Lord offers his life for his people , and our discipleship is how we join the mission of the gospel .
The articles in this edition of Mosaic will provide you with the reasons for our discipleship and the indicators that witness to a disciple ’ s life of faith . There are so many voices in our world that call for us to follow them . It is my prayer that these articles help us to turn toward the Lord and follow him as disciples . May you closely follow Jesus ,
Very Rev . Stephen Burr Rector / President
Executive Editors Very Rev . Stephen Burr Edmundo Reyes
Editor in Chief Emily Mentock
Managing Editor Casey McCorry
Contributing Writers Very Rev . Stephen Burr Dr . Kevin Clarke Karla Dorweiler Dr . Daniel Keating Rev . Timothy Laboe Joseph Lennon Casey McCorry Daniel Meloy Dcn . Dan Ramos Dcn . David Snow , SOLT
Contributing Photographers Valaurian Waller Marek Dziekonski
Mosaic is published two times per year by Sacred Heart Major Seminary 2701 Chicago Boulevard Detroit , MI 48206 ( 313 ) 883-8500 mosaic @ shms . edu
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2 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Fall 2022