MOSAIC Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 2

Chairman , Board of Trustees The Most Rev . Allen H . Vigneron Archbishop of Detroit
Rector / President Rev . Msgr . Todd J . Lajiness


Throughout history there

have been countless events and circumstances that have created incredible challenges and suffering for humanity . Whether it be war , famine , economic collapse , or a global pandemic , humanity has had to navigate these events and understand more deeply the meaning of suffering . Without faith , hope , and love , suffering can be reduced to something random or arbitrary , and at times even ruthless . And yet the challenges that humanity has faced throughout history , and the challenges we face today , are most appropriately seen and understood through the lens of the cross and the virtues of faith , hope , and love .
The Blessed Mother , as a model of Faith , stands courageously at the foot of the cross . Mary ’ s faith at the foot of the cross began with her faith at the foot of the Angel , a young woman who said ‘ yes ’ to the divine plan of God . Her posture at the foot of the cross ought to be our posture as well . When we find ourselves reluctant to approach the cross or accept a cross , we need only consider Mary who stood in the midst of an angry mob to be with Jesus .
The cross also reveals Hope . Suffering comes to us personally , and it can be raw . It can be confusing and at times lead us to resentment . It can fill us with hatred , as if we are screaming from the very depths of our being without any sound . In a world marked by intense suffering , one might ask : “ Where is God ?”, “ Does
Without faith , hope , and love , suffering can be reduced to something random or arbitrary .”
God listen ?” And the response : “ There is God – on the cross .” If ever we were tempted to think God does not listen , God does not care , or God does not exist , the cross stands as the most powerful response . At the front lines of the battle , Jesus is immersed in suffering . He knows it , personally , every ounce of it , and he gives us hope .
And finally , Love . Here we gaze upon Jesus with the disciples , and witness his supreme act of love , and it captivates us . The cross is the lens through which we encounter love itself in the heart of Christ as he pours out his life for us . The depth of that love , manifested in the heart of Jesus , is ultimately an incomprehensible gift that penetrates the innermost part of our being and transfigures our lives .
I hope that as you read this edition of the Mosaic you encounter in a new and profound way the love of Christ revealed to us in the cross , rejoice in the victory won for us , and never cease seeking the grace of God to grow each day in the virtues of faith , hope , and love . And be assured of our continued prayers and gratitude for your support of Sacred Heart Major Seminary !
Sincerely In Christ ,
Rev . Msgr . Todd J . Lajiness Rector / President
Vice Rector / Dean of Seminarian Formation Rev . Stephen Burr
Dean of Studies Rev . Timothy Laboe
Dean , Institute for Lay Ministry Dr . Matthew Gerlach
Director of Finance , Treasurer Ann Marie Connolly
Director of Facilities Management John Duncan
Director of Alumni Relations & Special Events Emily Berschback
Executive Editors Rev . Msgr . Todd J . Laginess Edmundo Reyes
Editor in Chief Christine Warner
Managing Editor Casey McCorry
Contributing Writers Dr . Patricia Cooney-Hathway Father Charles Fox Mary Henige Casey McCorry Daniel Meloy Monsignor Daniel Trapp Kathleen Trice Christine Warner
Contributing Photographers Michael Bruno Marek Dziekonski Melissa Moon Valaurian Waller
Mosaic is published two times per year by Sacred Heart Major Seminary 2701 Chicago Boulevard Detroit , Michigan 48206 313-883-8500 mosaic @ shms . edu
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Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Fall 2020 / Winter 2021