MOSAIC Fall 2018 | Page 2
Chairman, Board of Trustees
The Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron
Archbishop of Detroit
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Vice Rector/Dean of Seminarian Formation
n the normative document for priestly formation, The Program
of Priestly Formation, the bishops of the United States affirm
“the whole Church receives the gift of vocations from God and is
responsible for promoting and discerning vocations. It is integral to
the mission of the Church ‘to care for the birth, discernment, and
fostering of vocations, particularly those to the priesthood.’” (28)
Rev. Stephen Burr
Dean of Studies
Rev. Timothy Laboe
Dean, Institute for Lay Ministry
Dr. Matthew Gerlach
Director of Finance, Treasurer
Ann Marie Connolly
Director of Facilities Management
This is further developed by Pope St. nesses to the truth. But it is also clear that
John Paul II in Pastores dabo vobis when he young people face an increasing number
writes: “A very special responsibility falls of challenges from a highly secularized, de-
upon the Christian family, which by virtue humanizing, and confused culture. This is
of the Sacrament of Matrimony shares in where discernment is so essential for those
its own unique way in the educational mis- who seek to follow the Lord, especially in
sion of the Church, Teacher and Mother.” the priesthood.
And further, families become “a first semi-
The Lord continues to call, continues
nary in which children can acquire from to invite young people to respond gener-
the beginning an awareness of piety and ously to the call. And the work of Sacred
prayer and of love for the Church” (41).
Heart Major Seminary, building off the
These principles are woven into the foundation of the ‘first seminary’ of the
core documents for priestly formation family, accompanies those who desire
today. The family is indeed a ‘first semi- to give their lives totally for Christ. This
nary,’ or that place in which young people work requires sustained discernment,
can encounter God in
good mentors along the
a profound way for the
way, and the generous
“Today more than ever,
first time. It is the place
support of God’s holy
the Church has the
where young people
call and opportunity to
begin to see, hear, and
Please pray for us as
accompany young people
understand they are be-
we continue to fulfill the
to encounter the Lord.”
loved sons and daugh-
mission entrusted to us
ters of God. And the
in forming priests, dea-
family is a privileged place where young cons, and lay leaders for saintly ministry.
people are formed as disciples of Christ, Thank you for your support and I hope
as true friends of Christ. It is from this that you are encouraged by the articles in
friendship that one often hears the invita- this issue of Mosaic and see the work of
tion, “Come and follow me.”
God’s grace alive at Sacred Heart!
Today more than ever, the Church has
the call and opportunity to accompany Sincerely In Christ,
young people to encounter the Lord in
new and profound ways—to allow the voice
of the Lord to resonate in their minds and
hearts so they can freely and joyfully say, Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
‘Yes,’ to be his disciples, to be his wit- Rector/President
Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Spring 2018
John Duncan
Director of Development and Stewardship
David Kelley
Executive Editor
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Managing Editor
Jonathan Francis
Contributing Writers
Gordy DeMarais
Richard Dorsch Jr.
Maggie Fischer
Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway
Mary Henige
Fr. Joseph Horn
Dr. Daniel Keating
Lisa Martinez
Dr. Michael McCallion
Dcn. Peter Teresa McConnell
Msgr. Mark J. Merdian
Fr. Peter F. Ryan
Darci Swisher
Msgr. Daniel Trapp
Mosaic is published two times per year by
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
2701 Chicago Boulevard
Detroit, Michigan 48206
[email protected]
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