Seminarians such as Michael Churchill (Diocese of Winona) pass out prayer
cards along with candy and accompany Halloween visitors in prayer.
Sacred Heart’s pastoral formation program provides the men numerous
opportunities to assist the less fortunate and so develop a heart for service.
taught to treat each person as a person, as
Christ, and not simply as a “case.”
As the conversation between the semi-
narian and the person unfolds, often
deeper needs are uncovered and greater
assistance can be provided, which never
could have come about had the seminar-
ian not first learned to see Christ and not
a case that needs to be resolved. That abil-
ity to see the face of Christ in the poor,
though, is first cultivated by what the
seminary’s neighborhood can call out of
a man: a deep compassion and charity for
those most in need.
Many of the seminarians in the college
program are from dioceses or places with-
in the Archdiocese of Detroit that do not
confront them with the particu