Sacred Heart receives guidance from Rome on spreading the new evangelization .
Evangelizing through
Sacred Heart receives guidance from Rome on spreading the new evangelization .
Msgr . Todd Lajiness
Recently , I was honored to attend a two-day consultation in Rome with the Pontifical
Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization . The purpose of the meeting was to gather representatives from Catholic universities that have formal academic programs that treat the new evangelization .
The small group numbered around twenty , representing schools from Austria , Italy , Poland , England , the United States , Spain , Columbia , and Germany . Four institutions were from the U . S .: Sacred Heart , Franciscan University of Steubenville , Catholic University of America , and St . John ’ s Seminary in Boston .
The Pontifical Council asked that representatives present the main components of their programs ; in Sacred Heart ’ s case , the Licentiate in Sacred Theology , which has a specialization in the New Evangelization . One of the main outcomes of the meeting was to have an exchange of ideas among the institutions .
A second outcome was to receive direction from the leadership of the Pontifical Council , especially delivered through three major addresses .
Archbishop Rino Fisichella , president of the Pontifical Council , presented “ The New Evangelization : A Locus Theologicus for the Teaching of Theology .” He noted that evangelization represents an essential element of theology , in that it has to do with the “ transmission of the faith .” He gave extended focus to the importance of fundamental theology as foundational for the New Evangelization .
Bishop Octavio Ruiz Arenas , Pontifical Council secretary , offered his address , “ Formation of Agents of the New Evangelization .” He explained that to form authentic evangelizers , educators must offer spiritual accompaniment along with a solid foundation in theology . He focused on the need for conversion , humility , and discernment in the heart of the evangelizer .
Finally , Bishop Vincenzo Zani , secretary for the Congregation for Catholic Education , presented “ Sapientia Christiana and the Challenges of the New Evangelization .” He addressed the norms of Sapientia Christiana ( Christian Wisdom ), St . John Paul II ’ s apostolic constitution guiding the academic programs of Catholic universities . In particular , he emphasized the study and proclamation of the truth of the Gospel in the midst of a secularized , pluralistic world .
In addition , Archbishop Fisichella put forward four categories for us to consider , as important elements of academic programs for the New Evangelization . These are Catechesis and the New Evangelization , Sanctuaries and Popular Piety , Culture and Inculturation , and Mercy Received / Mercy Lived .
As we approach the centennial year of our founding , 2019 , Sacred Heart will continue to have an institutional commitment to raising up enthusiastic new evangelists for the Church . As such , I have asked the seminary ’ s faculty members — particularly the committee members who oversee the Licentiate in Sacred Theology degree program — to consider how Archbishop Fisichella ’ s categories might be integrated into the seminary ’ s many academic programs .
Msgr . Todd Lajiness ( Class of 1990 ) is Sacred Heart ’ s rector and president .
40 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Fall 2017