very segment of the seminary community came through:
faculty, resident priests, staff, alumni, seminarians, and
lay students. Participating in the Life Remodeled movement
became something of a family event at Sacred Heart in
which all family members pitched in to help.
Mobilized for the Neighborhood
Life Remodeled is a non-profit organi-
zation of volunteers that, according to its
motto, seeks to “Remodel Lives . . . One
Neighborhood at a Time” (liferemodeled.
com). It mobilizes volunteers to refurbish
homes and public buildings, clear out
vacant lots, chop down weeds and scrub
brush, mow grass, and generally tidy up
blighted neighborhoods throughout the
city of Detroit.
From July 31 through August 5, Life Re-
modeled targeted the area around Sacred
Heart Major Seminary for a communal
clean-up. August 1 was the date Msgr. Todd
Lajiness invited the Sacred Heart commu-
nity to join in this effort of public service—
even designating August 1 as a paid day for
staff members who volunteered.
Monsignor called it “a concrete sign of
the commitment we have to the commu-
nity and a way in which we can go beyond
mere words and put into practical acti