Adam Nowak, 24
Archdiocese of Detroit
First-year Theology
A Gentle Whisper, “Be My Priest”
grew up in a Catholic home and went
to Catholic school. However, I had
never really thought about the priesthood.
Occasionally, an elderly woman at church
would come up to me, pinch my cheeks,
and say, “You’d make such a great priest.”
But I never took them seriously.
I now realize I had always prayed to know the Lord’s will in
my life—but I never prayed for the courage to accept it. I can see
now the many ways in which God has worked. I can see how my
faith and family growing up and my high school youth minister,
Pat O’Hara, were so instrumental in my being open to God’s call.
But it was God’s gentle whisper, “Be my priest,” that altered
my life. I was a freshman at the University of Detroit Mercy. I was
journaling as part of my Lenten prayer, and I felt God pull at my
heart. At first, I thought, “No way!” I was studying psychology and
planned on pursuing my doctorate degree in clinical psychology.
However, those were my plans and not the Lord’s.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Fall 2015
Fr. Mario Amore, while he was still in seminary, knew I was discerning and sent me the book To Save a Thousand Souls, by Fr. Brett
Brannen. It opened up my mind more to H