Wearing the stole (scarf) and chasubule (outer vestment)
that represent their new status as ordained priests are
Frs. Sean Bonner, Jacob VanAssche, Mario Amore, Brian
Meldrum, and Radoslaw Zablocki.
Springtime of Ordinations
Is there a grander day of the year for the Archdiocese of Detroit—
and for Sacred Heart Major Seminary—than ordination day?
hat day came around this year on Saturday,
May 23, when four April graduates of the
seminary were ordained into the Order of the
Presbyterate by Archbishop Allen Vigneron at
the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in
Detroit. The newest archdiocesan priests are Frs.
Mario Amore, Sean Bonner, Brian Meldrum, and
Jacob VanAssche. Each earned a Master of Divinity
degree from Sacred Heart and the graduate-level
Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree conferred by
Rome’s Pontifical University of St. Thomas through
Sacred Heart’s faculty.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Fall 2015
Ordained for the Archdiocese of
Detroit at the same liturgy was Fr.
Radoslaw Zablocki, a graduate of SS. Cyril
& Methodius Seminary in Orchard Lake.
As a regional seminary, Sacred Heart is
educating and forming future priests from
across the state of Michigan and across the
country. Ten April graduates have been
ordained this spring from four other dioceses and two religious orders. That makes
the total count to be fourteen new priests
from the Sacred Heart Class of 2015.
Additionally, Fr. Timothy Ferguson, a
2013 graduate of Sacred Heart’s Licentiate
in Sacred Theology program, was ordained
on May 29 along with fellow alums Fr.
Brandon Oman and Fr. Bradley Sjoquist
for the Diocese of Marquette.