Lucky Winners
lease join us in congratulating Daniel Buchanan
of Plymouth, the winner of the Archbishop’s
Gala 2014 raffle. With the winning ticket number of
352654, Mr. Buchanan is now the proud owner of a
2014 Corvette Stingray Coupe Z51 1LT, donated by
Kathy and Richard Genthe of Dick Genthe Chevrolet
in Southgate.
Mr. Buchanan’s winning ticket was sold to him
by George Peters of the Knights of Columbus
(K of C) Council #8284 in Canton, entitling Mr. Peters
Corvette winner Daniel Buchanan receives the car keys and
congratulations from car donor Richard Genthe, left, and his
son, Bruce Genthe.
Religious communities such as the Missionary Daughters of the
Eternal Father regularly attend the gala to support their brother
to a seller’s incentive of $500. Mr. Peters is one of
thousands of Knights who support Sacred Heart
each year.
John Gibson of Council #3959 in Livonia also
earned $500 by being the top K of C individual seller.
Rounding out the incentive winners is the Robert H.
Jones Council #3078 in Lincoln Park, whose members
sold a total of 149 tickets, earning them $2,500 for
their council!
We are truly grateful to the Michigan State
Council Knights of Columbus and each of its
members for being such champions of vocations
and supporters of Sacred Heart.
Grand Knight Joe Kaiser, right, representing Council #3078 in Lincoln
Park, holds the $2,500 check earned by the council for selling the
most gala raffle tickets. District Deputy David Bieniak and Jan
Stuart-Chmielarczyk of Sacred Heart join in the congratulations.
Sr. Mary Finn beams out her love to the
crowd as she is honored for her fortyfive years of service to Sacred Heart.
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