Roll of Honor
Legacy Society of Sacred Heart Major Seminary
The Legacy Society
Will You Help to Ensure the
Sacred Mission Continues?
he Legacy Society was established to recognize alumni and friends who have included a
gift for Sacred Heart Major Seminary in their estate plans and other planned gifts. These
gifts take many forms, including simple bequests by will, gift annuities, insurance policies and
charitable trusts.
Many of these plans offer substantial financial and tax saving benefits, often complementing
an individual’s overall estate plans. All gifts are greatly appreciated and help to ensure that the
mission, vision and values of Sacred Heart Major Seminary proceed for future generations.
We would, of course, be honored and grateful to include you as a member of The Sacred Heart
Major Seminary Legacy Society. The Legacy Society’s membership roster is published each
year in the seminary’s Stewardship Report. (If preferred, Legacy Society members may remain
Contact Darren Hogan, associate director of charitable gift planning,
313-883-8748 or [email protected], if you would like to discuss
ways to include Sacred Heart in your estate plans.
Anonymous Donors
Rev. Msgr. Albert C. Allen †
Charlotte R. Allore †
Robert and Anne † Baker
Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Baldwin
James L. Barrett †
Rev. Ralph V. Barton †
Rev. Donald E. Bartone †
Rev. Mitchell Bednarski †
Francis J. Begue †
Rev. Paul C. Berg †
Doris M. Beusterien †
Stanley J. Biczak †
Rev. Melvin C. Blanchette, SS
Rev. John A. Blaska
Rev. Thaddeus J. Blaszczyk †
Rev. Robert H. Blondell
Rev. Frederick A. Bodde
Eleanore Bogan †
Russell S. Bohn
Rev. Anthony F. Bologna †
Lawrence and Margaret Bonnici
Nellie Boucher †
Rev. Thomas J. Bresnahan †
C. Jack and Jo Ann Brinkman
Rev. Msgr. George T. Browne
Joyce Bujak
Francis Burger †
Mary Burger †
Geraldine M. Calvenna
Rev. Msgr. Francis X. Canfield †
Rev. James E. Curtin †
James Damitio
Rev. Msgr. Ferdinand J. De Cneudt †
Margaret DeSantis †
William and Patricia † Dick
David and Mary Doherty †
I. Marie Donohoe †
Rev. Michael A. Donovan †
Waldymyr † and Lena Dubriwny
Louise DuCharme †
Veronica Easton †
Joseph A. Ebel †
Martin and Rosalie Edwards †
Ann Isabel Eicher †
Rev. Msgr. Gerald A. Flanigan †
Rev. Msgr. Edmund A. Fournier †
Brian and Tamra Fromm
Alfred and Diane Gade
Edward and Elizabeth Goliber †
Richard Guy
Robert † and Donna Hagg
Rev. Msgr. Patrick Halfpenny
Most Rev. Donald F. Hanchon
Bernice M. Hanrahan †
Rev. Msgr. Dennis Harrity
Marie Hawkey †
Margaret A. Henehan
James and Jacqueline Hicks
Warren and Florence Hines †
John Hubacek †
Rev. John L. Hubert †
Joan H. Kaiser †
Rev. Msgr. John C. Kasza
David and Valerie Kelley
Ralph L. Kelley †
Rev. James P. Kenneally †
Adeline Keohane †
Dorothy M. Kirchoff †
Florence B. Klausing †
Bernard and Antoinette Knittel †
Daniel and Britni Knoerl
Rev. Edward F. Konopka
Edith M. Kovach †
Rev. Paul Kreimes †
Donald Kresmer †
Rev. Jerome L. Krieg †
Rev. Donald B. Kuntz †
Peter Kurzy †
Donald and Madonna Labelle †
Henry L. Labus Family Trust
Mary M. LaDuke †
John † and Gail Lajiness
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Sanford and Cecilia Lakin
Raymond and Pauline Leduc
Marie Leonard †
Raymond Litka †
Frank Lukash
Cornelius Luma