Mortgage Brokers Tips For Selecting The Right Mortgage Broker | Page 7


• Here Comes the Money

• A mortgage broker receives a commission on each closed sale , usually around one to two percent of the closing cost . This results in a very decent annual wage , which is entirely in the realm of your control based on the amount of work you are willing to put in . The annual take-home pay for a mortgage broker is between sixty to ninety thousand .

• No Four-Year Wait

• This is a very attainable and livable wage , as the only qualifying schooling needed is a high school degree . This isn ’ t to say that any Joe Blow could walk into a bank , sit at a desk , and get to work – but kind of . The process for obtaining this role is ordinarily a traditional interview involving questions and scenario-based questions about the sales process or client-relationship building . A mortgage broker is a customer-facing individual who must gain a significant amount of trust from clients quickly , therefore , being trustworthy and charismatic are key .