Mortgage Brokers Mortgage Broker And Second Mortgage in Toronto | Page 12

K N OW WH AT YO U A R E GO I N G TO PAY TO H I R E A B RO KER F O R S E C O ND M O RT GAGE I N TO RO NTO • Application Fee: Depending on how experienced or reputable your mortgage broker is, you may have to pay some money to have your application processed. The fee varies greatly between brokers and lenders – it may also change if you are looking for second mortgage in Toronto. Sometimes, the broker may waive the fee in order to make their loan offers more attractive. In some cases, mortgage brokers ask for an application fee to gain access to a credit report and then process your application. Some brokers might include the cost of the appraisal into the application fee. Therefore, you need to ask your broker exactly what they are going to charge in terms of application fee. • Origination Fee: When you work with an experienced mortgage broker, you have to pay a certain amount of money as an origination fee. They work with the lender on your behalf, so they ask you to pay some money to compensate their efforts. You usually do not have to worry about the origination fee if you choose to work directly with a lender. However, you do not want to pay more money as interest rate to save some money for origination fee.