Mortgage Brokers First Second Third Mortgage | Page 7

Second Mortgage - Benefits and Considerations • Benefits  Consolidation of debts: A second mortgage loan can be utilized in servicing debts such as credit card debts and various other debts.  Tax advantages: Getting a second mortgage also come with an incredible tax advantage. This is evident in the opportunity which tax laws accords homeowners in the deductions of interest on their second mortgage.  Comfortable interest rates: Another fine benefit of getting a second mortgage lies in its enticing interest rates. Getting a second mortgage is considered a wise move in a situation where the homeowner is convinced that the cost of his long-term saving potential is far exceeding the cost of a second mortgage. • Considerations  Home equity line of credit: Commonly referred to a revolving line of credit that gives homeowners the opportunity of seizing the benefits that come with the equity in his home. It's mostly used by homeowne