Thomson Reuters Attorney Analysis
About the authors
Martin Gusy ( L ) is a partner and head of Bracewell LLP ’ s international arbitration practice . He has served as legal counsel to commercial parties and sovereigns in cross-border disputes and transactions , including international arbitration dispute resolution , international commercial arbitration , investor-state / investment arbitration , U . S . litigation and corporate matters . He regularly serves on arbitral tribunals as a sole , presiding and party-appointed arbitrator . He can be reached at martin . gusy @ bracewell . com . Camille M . Ng ( C ) is an associate in the firm ’ s international arbitration practice . She previously served as deputy counsel of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC ) in New York , where she oversaw international and domestic arbitrations , and as assistant legal counsel at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague . She can be reached at camille . ng @ bracewell . com . Jadranka Jakovcic ( R ) is an associate in the firm ’ s international arbitration practice . She has advised both States and investors in investment treaty and commercial arbitrations , most notably in cases conducted under the auspices of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ( ICSID ). She serves as co-chair of the International Dispute Resolution Committee of the New York State Bar Association and is an executive board member and an ambassador for Arbitrator Intelligence . She can be reached at jadranka . jacovcic @ bracewell . com . The authors are based in New York .
This article was first published on Reuters Legal News and Westlaw Today on March 1 , 2022 .
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