MORGAN HILL TODAY business extra
By supporting your local businesses …
People & Planet
Organic Food , Green Living
408.782.2700 15750 Vineyard Blvd . Ste 160 peopleandplanetstore . com
Your local specialty food store featuring gluten-free , fair trade , organic and farm fresh foods . Experience our personalized service .
Where everyone knows your name !
All About Seniors Care
One on One In Home Care
408.778.8331 allaboutseniorscare . com
Our specialists provide personal care and aid , companionship , light housekeeping , meal preparation , medication reminders , assistance with bathing / showering , running errands , shopping , grooming , activity planning and feeling of safety .
you are supporting your community .
Community Tidbits
MARCH 21 , 2014 — 11:15 am The Helping Hands & Healing Hearts Awards Luncheon will be held at the Morgan Hill Community Center . It is held annually to recognize a community leader dedicated to improving the lives of others and a former Community Solutions client who has triumphed over personal adversity and positively changed the course of their future . This sell-out event has become a treasured tradition for local businesses and community members who attend each year . Proceeds from the event support programs and services to create positive changes in our community . For ticket or sponsorship information , please visit communitysolutions . org or call 408-846-4717 .
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